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4 solutions for a runny nose

4 solutions for a runny nose

In these months you can hardly escape:a cold. With these solutions you will get rid of your runny nose as quickly as possible.

Rinse with salt water

It is not tasty and takes some getting used to, but it is effective! Rinsing your nose with salt water twice a day will dilute the mucus. This makes it easier to get out of your nose and get rid of your runny nose faster.

This is how you do it

You can easily make the miracle cure yourself. All you need is table salt, water and a syringe for convenience. Put one teaspoon of salt in a mug of lukewarm water and stir until the salt is dissolved in the water. Put the solution in a syringe and inject the solution into your nostril. Speak the G sound while doing this, this way the water gets as little as possible at the back of your throat.

Read also: 'Get rid of that cold'

Spicy food

Do you have a chronic runny nose? Feel it burn! So spicy food, and lots of it.

This is how you do it

One spicy meal does not make the runny nose go away. In fact, you can even get a runny nose from a pepper. This is due to the capsaicin in the red pepper. So why are we still giving this tip? If you often eat spicy, desensitization occurs. Your body will get used to the spiciness and your runny nose will eventually subside. So now and then a good scoop of sambal with your dinner, regularly a curry soup and from now on penne all'arrabbiata instead of spaghetti bolognese.

Zinc Lozenges

An average cold lasts five to six days. Zinc ensures that you are rid of it after three days.

This is how you do it

Take 80 to 92 mg of zinc lozenges daily, spread throughout the day. This high dose (eleven times the recommended daily allowance) is said to prevent the virus from multiplying. It is important with this trick that you are there as quickly as possible. Use it immediately after the first symptoms. Also, don't take more than 100mg per day and stop immediately when the cold is gone. Zinc lozenges are for sale at the drugstore.

Onion tea

Did you know that in countries such as India and China onion is widely used to fight 'evil'? Onion tea is considered a natural remedy for colds in Chinese medicine.

This is how you do it

Cut the onion into rings and let the rings cook for ten minutes in 25cl sugar water. Drink a cup in the morning and evening or take the tea with you in a thermos so that you can sip it throughout the day. Do not throw away the outer ring:it contains most of the anti-inflammatory substances.

Source:Santé March 2017