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A stay in the mountains for a good family holiday

Go on a holiday in the mountains with the family , these are good times ahead. But, before hitting the slopes, you have to prepare. The choice of your ski resort from booking, through equipment, suitcases and physical preparation, you have a few steps to take to finally hit the snow and have a successful ski holiday. This article lists the essentials to take into account when going skiing:prepare for your ski holiday , how to protect your children from the cold or the sun , what kind of activities you can do in a family ski resort… A stay in the mountains is a family vacation destination which allows you to develop bonds and create unforgettable memories.

Preparing for your family ski holidays

It all starts with choosing your station . Each ski resort has its particularities, you must therefore define your orders of priority in terms of infrastructure, accommodation, activities for the whole family, ski area, catering, entertainment...

Once the ski resort is defined, you must choose accommodation. Depending on your budget, the level of comfort and the location in the resort (in the center or in the countryside…), you can define whether you want to rent an apartment or a chalet, go to a hotel or a holiday club …

At the same time, you prepare physically in order to put you in condition to go skiing. In particular, work on your thighs and your breathing to feel good at altitude.

Before you leave, don't forget anything. You take your equipment , if you are not renting, and you check beforehand if it is in good condition (ski, poles, snowboard, ski helmet, bindings). In order to protect yourself from the cold , you take warm clothes for walking and others suitable for skiing. You add gloves, a hat, tights, boots, sunglasses and/or a ski mask, sunscreen or even a swimsuit, a sled and your camera.

You also remember to take all your documents, in particular the proof of age of the children , they will be asked for any station discounts . Also think about your "vouchers" if you have booked online (accommodation, package, equipment, activity, etc.).

Finally, you prepare your car to face winter conditions in the mountains by taking chains or socks or snow tires, anti-freeze windshield washer…

Protect yourself during your skiing holiday

What products to take in your toilet bag on a skiing holiday?
In the mountains, the whole family will be exposed to the sun and its UV rays, even on cloudy days. The reverberation of these rays on the snow can cause you to get sunburn quickly, if you are not protected. Both children and parents should put sunscreen on their face with a high index. It is also necessary to remember to reapply regularly throughout the day.

After protecting your skin, you have to take care of your eyes. For this, you must equip the whole family with goggles and/or anti-UV masks efficient (compliant with the CE standard). For children, opt for category 4 sunglasses intended for extreme solar radiation. If you expose your eyes to UV rays reflected by snow without protection, you can develop photokeratitis (an inflammation of the cornea), or snow blindness in the most serious cases.

Finally, the cold and the wind are causes of dry skin . It is therefore necessary to provide a surgras cleansing gel, moisturizing creams for the body and face for very dry skin and do not forget a lip balm and hand cream.

Family holidays in a ski resort

You have arrived at your ski resort. The whole family is happy to be in this idyllic setting. We'll have to take care of the activities for everyone.

Obviously, the main activity in a resort , it's skiing ! If you are used to this sport, all you have to do is take your passes for the whole family, by the day or by the week depending on your frequency of skiing. Don't forget to take out the insurance that goes with it to have a peaceful stay (be careful, if you pay with certain bank cards, the insurance that corresponds to your packages is included in the card's services, ask your banker if it is).

On the other hand, if you are a beginner, or one of your children is a beginner, you can take ski lessons after having rented your equipment. A few lessons are enough to learn the technical basics and allow you to quietly explore the slopes with good sliding sensations.

For your children , there is no age to start skiing . The little ones will have access to a space that is generally dedicated to them, in order to learn about skiing from the age of three. Your children can take lessons and enjoy passing the teddy bear and/or the snowflake. It is possible to do it in a week and they will be proud to have passed this first ski test. During this time, parents can ski on their own, then pick up their child at the end of the lesson, go eat and leave together for a few descents.

But, in the resort, it's not just skiing. Most resorts have developed offers to satisfy as many people as possible. You will have the choice! Whether you are attracted by a spa, the swimming pool, the cinema or the ice rink, you can adapt your stay to the rhythm of many activities. Look on the sites, or the applications, of certain resorts, you will find a calendar which offers you occasional activities (festival, carnival, etc.), especially during school holidays.

Family Plus ski resort

If you are looking for a family ski resort , use the "Family Plus" label . It is awarded to resorts that develop a family-oriented tourist offer. To obtain this label, they must meet 110 criteria and 6 defined commitments so that you have a suitable and quality welcome. Welcome, entertainment, discoveries, accommodation, services, equipment, security... Everything is set up for you. Currently, forty-four stations benefit from this label. "Family Plus" is a good indicator for those who want to find a holiday destination dedicated to families.