Family Best Time >> Health

In thalasso with baby

Need a little postpartum family getaway? The thalasso is the perfect mix to be pampered while getting to know your baby better. Story of Julien, young dad of Emile 6 months.

"Well, past the idea of ​​walking around in a bathrobe and plastic sandals for almost a week, it must be said, I was delighted to accompany Jeanne and our 6-month-old son Emile for a week of thalasso .

First little trip all three, care for mom and baby after childbirth, I was happy to have imposed on those around us a “family” birth gift instead of the traditional stuffed animals and others quickly obsolete layettes. And then, I had noticed them, the furtive and slightly worried looks that my wife cast in the mirror… It was time for her to have some fun!

Thus, once we arrived at the Thalasso Deauville by Algotherm, our suitcases and stroller placed in our room, all that was left to do was let it go. As for me, I was pretty calm. I started the day with a sunny jog on the promenade, facing the sea, before joining my little family, their aqua baby session just finished. Seeing their lit faces, I immediately understood that we were in the right place.

You would have seen Emile when I dunked him underwater! He made one of his heads! But he loved it, the shimmering of the water, the feel of it on the skin… he was so calm, it was awesome!”, Jeanne described to me, ecstatic. I was almost jealous! So much so that the baby awakening massage class , this one, I was not going to miss it. Better, I took control!

Rub your hands well with the oil, so that they are as warm as baby's skin ”, advised the thalasso practitioner. First a few slow gestures, for fear of hurting Emile, I quickly relaxed, caressing him by gently pressing his little can, clockwise. Arms, thighs, feet, everything goes. Once on his stomach, I take care of the neck, go over his shoulders... it's incredible to feel him relax, to feel his skin, all soft and perfect... After a few stretches, the session ends. I'm almost moved.

I would never have imagined getting so much pleasure from a small workshop like this, and yet, I am already looking forward to this cocooning, fitness stay, away from work and just for the three of us. »