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How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally?

How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally?

We don't always know, but most of us have higher or lower cholesterol levels.

It is therefore necessary to monitor his diet in order to avoid possible complications.

Cholesterol is caused by a diet that is too high in fat .

Even if you are not overweight, it is very likely that the cholesterol level is high.

How to Reduce this Rate?

In the morning at least 3 times a week , eat oatmeal, to which you can add 2 small tablespoons of oat bran before cooking oatmeal.

When cooking, prefer walnut, grapeseed and soybean oil and low-fat foods.

Fruits and vegetables are very good foods against cholesterol . I therefore advise you to eat fruit at least 3 times a day as well as vegetables during your meals. Raw vegetables, rich in fibre, will be even better for your health.

For fruits, it is recommended to wash them well and eat them with the skin , rich in vitamins.

If you consume a lot of dairy products , try to buy foods that are reduced in fat, such as skimmed milk, 0% yogurts and low-fat cheeses.

In terms of daily nutrition , eat fish at least once a week, eat only small pieces of meat, limit yourself to 2 eggs a week, and avoid fatty substances such as butter, cream or bacon bits (to name only them!).

And finally on these anti-cholesterol tips , drink plenty of water, at least one liter a day to eliminate well.

If you follow these recommendations on a regular basis, you will see your cholesterol levels drop significantly.

How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally?

Savings Achieved

To be in good physical health and take care of yourself, you don't need to spend thousands and hundreds on cures, drugs or other slimming products.

All you need to do is control your diet well, indulge yourself only once in a while, and make weeks of healthy, low-fat meals.

High cholesterol levels can lead to serious health problems, to avoid this, follow our advice which will not cost you dearly!

Do you know your cholesterol level? What are you doing to reduce it? Explain everything to us in the comments.