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Hot weather, the right things to do

Hot weather, the right things to do

The return of fine weather often rhymes with the return of heat waves. So to avoid heatstroke, take the lead and adopt the right gestures!

Adapt to your environment

In summer, the risk of dehydration, sunstroke or sunburn increases considerably when temperatures rise. In case of hot weather, it is essential to avoid exposing yourself to the sun for too long, especially during the hottest hours when you will rather take refuge inside. If this is not possible, do not panic, solutions exist depending on where you are.

If you're overboard

At the seaside, protect your head well (hat, bucket hat or cap will do the trick), wear light clothing, cotton if possible, and don't forget sunscreen (preferably total screen ).

To seek freshness, take advantage of the coast:a walk with your feet in the water along the beach will do you the greatest good. The sea air and its gentle breeze will also be very appreciable for a calm time on the beach, sheltered by an umbrella. As for the greediest, they will not fail to go for a walk at the ice cream stand!

If you are in the countryside

Inland, it is impossible to count on the sea and the breeze to cool off. But inquire, there may be a lake with a supervised swimming area nearby.

And if not, take shelter under a tree:its branches and leaves will protect you from the heat. Indeed, vegetation is the most ecological air conditioner you can find:a tree can evaporate up to 450 liters of water per day, as much as 5 air conditioners!

And don't hesitate to visit the monuments or other castles around you, it's often very cool there.

Watch out for hydrocution

This thermal shock can occur when swimming in cold water. To avoid any risk, we avoid swimming after long hours in the sun and we enter the water slowly by passing water first on the torso then the neck and the top of the skull.

If you're in town

Finally, if you are in town, take advantage of the hottest hours to go to the local park and sit in the shade of the trees. Cities are increasingly developing the concept of islands of freshness, by revegetating very mineral areas for example.

The city of Paris has also set up a map listing them.

Otherwise, go to air-conditioned places! Your choice:

– a shopping spree in your favorite mall.

– museum visits to catch up on all the exhibits you didn’t take the time to see.

– take a subscription card to the local cinema and chain the screenings!

Alert at all ages

We can never repeat it enough, in case of hot weather:drink water! And don't forget to take care of the most vulnerable:


– in the event of a heat wave, remember to regularly offer water to drink to the youngest.

– do not hesitate to pass a washcloth of cold water on their face, temples and neck.

– dress them lightly, favoring light-coloured and cotton clothes.

– finally, adjust the temperature of the bath water, 35 degrees will be perfect!


Older people are also more vulnerable in hot weather.

- with age, the feeling of thirst tends to disappear. It is therefore important to be careful to hydrate as often as possible.

– plan to spend 2 or 3 hours a day in an air-conditioned place and buy yourself a fogger.

But the most important thing when you have elderly people around you is to check in on them regularly and make sure they are well.

Changing your habits

But in the event of a heat wave, the best thing is to stay cool at home. In an apartment too, adopt the right reflexes. We ventilate early in the morning when the air is cooler, and close the shutters or blinds to prevent the sun from entering. For more efficiency, place a wet sheet in front of your windows.

Do not hesitate to dry your laundry in your room to lower the temperature or to move your bed to the coolest room in your apartment. Forget the bottle of ice water in front of the old propeller fan, there are high performance cooling fan models on the market today.

Sport and heat:beware danger!

Beyond 30 degrees, we avoid doing sports because we expose ourselves to hyperthermia, what is more often called heatstroke:headaches, nausea or even discomfort, it is better to avoid wasting your holidays.

Instead, plan your football or tennis games in the morning or evening and don't wait until you're thirsty to drink! Water before, during and after sport:have the reflex!

Hydrate:yes, but why?

The hotter it is, the more you sweat and therefore, the more water you lose. The human body is made up of 60% water! and to function properly it must therefore avoid losing as much of it as possible. For this, it is better to prevent than to cure in the event of extreme heat. Drinking even before you feel thirsty is the first step to avoiding dehydration.

What to do in case of dehydration?

Thirst, dry lips, headaches, fatigue or vomiting are common symptoms of dehydration:learn to recognize them. As soon as symptoms appear, stop your activity and get in the shade. Drink water and splash your face and body with water (not too cold to avoid thermal shock). If you feel unwell, contact the emergency services! Don't take any risks, in the most severe cases, dehydration can be fatal. 112 is the single emergency call number, free and accessible everywhere in Europe. If you have any questions or doubts, you can also contact a healthcare professional via a teleconsultation service.

A hot drink when it's hot:myth or reality?

We all have in mind the Tuaregs and their burning tea in the middle of the desert. However, should you really drink hot when it's hot or rather cold?

Well, neither. Drinking very hot in case of hot weather will make us sweat. Which is good because it helps us regulate our temperature, but on the other hand, sweating too much promotes dehydration.

Drinking cold brings us a pleasant feeling of freshness but this will have the effect of stopping sweating and therefore the elimination of the heat stored in our body.

In the end, the in-between wins. The ideal would be to drink lukewarm drinks, between 12 and 14 degrees, ideal temperatures to both quench your thirst and stay hydrated.

With global warming, heat waves will increase. It is therefore important to collectively take the right reflexes to prepare for it and know how to react when the time comes. Being prepared means preserving your health and that of those around you, but it is also the surest way to avoid overcrowding in health services. To stay informed, the government has set up a “heat wave” number:0800 06 66 66.
