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Gentlemen, take care of your beard

Gentlemen, take care of your beard

Wearing a beard is no longer just a fashion, it's a style that we affirm. Perfectly cut or falsely neglected, it is everywhere and sticks to all men, whatever their look. It is so widespread today that even our great political figures wear it without hesitation. To avoid remarks like “you sting! or “what is this bush?” », we tell you how to take care of it.

Why does the beard impose its style?

The clean-shaven man is becoming increasingly rare. It is today the beard that is unanimous. Iconic look of the hipsters who popularized full beards, the beard appeals to men of all ages. Whether you are 20, 30 or even 50 years old, it is bound to suit your face if it is well cut and well maintained.

Why is this beard so trendy? No doubt thanks to what it reveals about the man who wears it. Symbol of honesty, we consider that the bearded man assumes and remains himself. It is also a guarantee of reliability and stability which is not to displease both in the field of seduction and in the professional world.

Young people are the most bearded

According to a study by Big Shave Club, 92% of men between the ages of 25 and 34 have a beard compared to 47% for older men who therefore prefer to shave.

Why is it important to maintain your beard?

Regardless of its length, your beard requires minimal maintenance so that your trendy look doesn't become sloppy. Even if it's a "wild" effect you want to give it, you need to trim it and pamper it. Beard hair is sensitive and can suffer from dehydration if left untended. You then risk seeing them tarnish and eventually suffer from irritation and redness.

How to take care of your beard

Before you even start taking care of your beard, you need to choose the right products and equip yourself with a comb and a brush that you will use daily. Because even if your beard is short (three-day beard, for example), it necessarily requires a lot of maintenance. It will not be enough to pass your mower, but to integrate a care routine into your morning preparation:

  • Start by washing it with a beard shampoo both to clean it and to moisturize and soften it. More sensitive than your hair, your beard hair needs appropriate products, known for their softness and protective ingredients.
  • Then run your comb and/or your brush to smooth the hairs and avoid knots.
  • Beard balms and oils then take over to nourish the beard and add shine.
  • There are also specific serums and creams that you can apply at the end of your routine or from time to time to act in depth on a tired or dull beard.

Tip:A little combing!

To ensure that each area of ​​your beard is well nourished, do not hesitate to comb it once your care has been applied.

How to trim your beard?

In order to give it the ideal shape and size, a regular visit to the barber is generally necessary. He can then redraw its contours (cheeks and neck), trim your mustache and advise you on its shape and length. There are also several types of beards:

  • The three-day beard, which suits all styles and all faces.
  • The short beard, which should grow in around two weeks and should be groomed weekly using a comb and clippers. It is also suitable for all body types.
  • The long beard, which requires a regular visit to the barber and is better suited to triangular faces.

Having a beard is also good for your health

Trendy and aesthetic, the beard is also a healthy ally for those who wear it. The science is clear[1]:the beard effectively protects the skin from the effects of UV rays. By blocking nearly 90% of the rays, it limits the appearance of wrinkles and the risk of skin cancer. The mass of the beard also insulates the skin from the aggressions of the cold and the wind, especially during the winter. The skin is therefore more hydrated than when it is closely shaved. The beard also has an anti-allergenic role since it retains a small amount of pollen and dust, thus limiting allergies and respiratory problems.[2]

Visiting your barber regularly allows you to take care of your beard, but also to treat yourself to a break of calm and well-deserved relaxation. It's an easy way to give yourself time and breathe for a few minutes, thinking only of yourself and... your style.

[1] 2012 Oxford Academic study for the journal Radiation Protection Dosymetry.

[2] According to Dr. Clifford W. Basset of the Allergy and Asthma Center of New York.