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At any age:take care of your feet

At any age:take care of your feet

Hidden in our shoes, our feet tend to be forgotten. However, it is important to take care of it, at any age. Regular podiatric monitoring, care to be performed, here is how to pamper our feet on a daily basis.

Feet:why is it important?

If you want to be able to walk properly and especially for a long time, taking care of your feet is essential. They are the ones that support all the weight of our body. They are therefore under almost constant pressure. Poor posture, an unsupported injury or problems with ingrown toenails can lead to painful, unsightly and above all irreversible deformities. Not to mention that healthy feet allow you to fully experience physical activities, even sports, even at an advanced age.

Foot care:daily actions to do yourself

In addition to the treatments to be carried out by professionals, there are some habits and good practices to implement at home to take care of your feet.

Foot care

It is recommended to wash your feet carefully at least once a day, or even more in case of heavy perspiration, in order to avoid maceration and therefore the appearance of plantar warts. The washing of the feet is done with water, soap or shower gel. To properly clean the entire foot, be sure to go between the toes, as well as remove impurities under the toenails. Drying the feet is also essential, especially between the toes to avoid the risk of mycosis.

Caring for the skin of the feet…

If the skin on your feet is normal, you don't need to moisturize it. On the other hand, if you have dry skin or calloused soles, applying a moisturizer or a nourishing balm will help soften your feet. A massage will allow the cream to penetrate, in addition to being relaxing! Start with the heel and the soles of the feet. Then go up gradually towards the toes, massaging them one by one.

To remove dead skin and calluses on the heel, it is also possible to use a pumice stone, especially in summer, when wearing open shoes. It is used in the shower, on wet skin.

… but also the nails

Nail maintenance is important:it prevents the appearance of ingrown toenails. This can be entrusted to a manicurist, but it is also possible to take care of it at home. Make sure your nails aren't too short by trimming them to prevent them from ingrown. Use clean nail clippers or scissors. The nails are cut straight, leaving them protruding 2 or 3 mm from the tip of the toe. You can then file the nail to make it smoother.


Regular physical activity is essential for the feet, especially in older people. Thus, half an hour of walking a day helps keep your feet healthy, in particular by circulating the blood. Sport, especially walking, also oxygenates the brain and strengthens the cardiovascular system.

Choosing the right shoes

Wearing shoes that fit your size and are adapted to your physical activity is essential. So, if you are jogging, a pair of sports shoes with good cushioning is recommended. To avoid maceration, it is better to wear socks made of natural fibres, such as cotton. As far as possible, try to ventilate your feet as much as possible, especially when you are at home to evacuate perspiration as well as possible.

Should we go to the podiatrist?

A podiatrist is a specialist in the feet and their conditions. He can sometimes also practice as a pedicurist. In order to be reimbursed at 100%, a first consultation with the treating doctor beforehand is mandatory in certain cases, as part of the care pathway.

Then, the frequency of visits varies according to your condition and the follow-up recommended by the specialist. The passage by the attending physician is however not mandatory for people with diabetes, for the treatment of ingrown toenails and warts.

Regular follow-up with the podiatrist avoids the appearance of corns or calluses, due to the thickening of the skin over time. This also helps prevent possible infections of the feet or nails (warts, fungal infections, ingrown nails), but also common deformities, such as hallux valgus.

What care should be done by professionals?

Some pathologies require further follow-up. Thus, in addition to these daily gestures, certain care should be reserved for professionals, especially if you have a foot disease or have diabetes. Regular follow-up with the podiatrist-podiatrist is then necessary in these cases:

  • If the corn or wart becomes infected or does not disappear despite treatment;
  • If you have an ingrown toenail
  • The podiatrist should also be consulted in the event of repetitive pain or discomfort when walking. The weight distribution on the feet is sometimes poor, and can lead to deformations on them if support is not put in place (orthopaedic insoles, etc.).

Foot Care and Diabetes

People with diabetes are all the more concerned with regular foot monitoring. This is because diabetes can cause nerve damage, called neuropathy, in the lower limbs. This condition causes a decrease in sensitivity in the feet. Thus, sufferers feel less pain, but also cold and heat. Therefore, if an injury occurs, due to poor posture or a strain during a sports activity for example, the person will have more difficulty realizing it.

With the Esprit Santé offer, designed for seniors and retirees, you can benefit from additional care covered according to the formula chosen. This is the case for care delivered by pedicurists-podiatrists or by an osteopath. An alternative medicine package of up to €200 according to certain formulas makes it possible to compensate for the lack of reimbursement from Social Security.