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10 tips to take care of your feet

People tend to take care of their face and their skin, but forget about certain parts of their body. Especially the feet, one of the most important parts of our body, receive very little care. It is important to take good care of your feet, as you walk on them every day, and these tips will help you:

1. Always keep your feet dry and clean, especially after showering.
2. Trim your toenails well. Be careful not to cut them too short and close to the skin and avoid long toenails that breed bacteria.

3. Wear shoes that fit you well. Wearing shoes that are too tight or too small can cause long-term problems for your feet, such as painful foot growth, calluses, and deformation of the toes.

4. Only wear quality socks that allow your feet to breathe and also help prevent blisters.
5. Try to wash your feet regularly and well; don't forget to wash your toes too. And remember the first tip.

6. Lubricate your feet after washing.

7. Avoid sharing shoes with other people; you can easily get a fungal infection, plus shoes mold to everyone's feet.

8. Air your shoes after wearing them so they don't cause foot odor and infections.

9. Wearing high heels regularly can damage your feet. Try to wear a comfortable pair of shoes every now and then.

10. Never forget to wear shoes or flip flops in certain public areas. Fungi that can lead to infection can easily be grown in these places.