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Apps to download to take care of your health

Apps to download to take care of your health It's not always easy to find your way around the jungle of health apps. Some give the wrong advice, others are of little use or are poorly secured. Here is our selection of essentials to download to your smartphone.

Health-related mobile apps abound. Not all of them are interesting. And since our smartphones and tablets have limited memory, we have to make a choice.

Please note:no app, even an excellent one, can replace the doctor. But the best of them are a real "plus" for monitoring your health and adopting the right reflexes in the event of a problem.

Qare, one-click teleconsultation

This application allows you to teleconsult in less than 5 minutes or by appointment a general practitioner or a specialist (gynecologist, pediatrician, dermatologist, nutritionist, sports doctor, psychologist, sexologist) 7 days a week from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. After completing a questionnaire, you come into video contact with the doctor. It is possible to obtain prescriptions and print them to go to the pharmacy.

Free. Available on the App Store and Google Play.

Icare Health Monitor, for a comprehensive check-up

Ideal for global monitoring, this free app measures your heart rate, hearing and sight without an external device. It can also collect data from your connected bracelet, your scale or your electrocardiogram to assess your risks and offer you personalized advice (diet, sports activity, etc.).

Free. Available on Google Play.

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Red Cross and SAUV Life, emergency apps

  • The app that saves Red Cross: Because it's never too late to learn the gestures that save, the French Red Cross offers an application to train and intervene in the event of a heart attack, suffocation, drowning, hydrocution, natural or nuclear disaster (storm, flood , irradiation, etc.), or simply learn how to put a victim in the lateral safety position (PLS). Free. Available on the App Store and Google Play.

  • SAVE Life: this application, labeled by the Red Cross, connects the emergency services, which report an incident in progress via the app, with "volunteer citizen rescuers". A GPS then indicates to the latter the path to take to reach the victim as quickly as possible. Once there, the "volunteer citizen rescuer" can carry out first aid actions thanks to the voice instructions given by the professionals until their arrival on site. Free. Available on the App Store and Google Play., the coach to quit smoking

If quitting smoking is part of your good resolutions, this application is made for you. You can view the fruits of your efforts in real time:money saved, life expectancy gained, number of cigarettes not smoked... Enough to motivate you not to start again!

Free. Available on App Store.

AromaGuide, instructions for use for essential oils

Easy to use, it allows you to learn about aromatherapy and learn about the medicinal properties of the different essential oils. If a health problem occurs, simply enter the "symptoms" tab (fever, respiratory allergy, cramp, etc.) to discover the most effective natural remedy, with judicious practical advice on how to best use it.

Free. Available on Google Play.

Homéo Guide, the homeopathy dictionary for the family

This dictionary of homeopathy contains detailed sheets of more than 260 granules. It makes it possible to find the appropriate homeopathic treatment according to the symptoms or illnesses (cold, flu, cough, etc.).

Free. Available on the App Store.

BewellConnect, for a better lifestyle in real time

This personal health assistant centralizes all the data provided by your thermometers, blood pressure monitors and other connected health objects. He interprets the results and offers lifestyle advice.

With the BewellCheck-up option (from 4.90 euros/month), you also benefit from a virtual doctor on call 7 days a week who issues thanks to a specialized expert system – after a questionnaire on your symptoms and your medical history -, diagnostic orientation, indication of the degree of severity and emergency recommendations if necessary.

And with the MyDoc option (from 19.90 euros/month), you can chat with a doctor at any time. Full VIP service!

Available on the App Store and Google Play.

Epiderm, a dermatologist in my smartphone

This pocket dermatologist can assess the dangerousness of a skin lesion in a few hours. Once the app is open, you take two photos by placing your phone about 10 cm from your skin and you fill out the questionnaire (age, background, it itches, it stings, it burns, etc.). A dermatologist analyzes your file remotely and then gives his medical opinion. It tells you if you need to go to the emergency room, consult a specialist or apply a simple cream. For more details, we can exchange with him for 7 days.

It costs 29 euros per file.

Dietsensor, a nutritional coach always available

Voted the most innovative app in the world at the CES Award 2016, it helps you eat a balanced diet, lose weight or follow a cholesterol-free diet. 600,000 foods and drinks are listed, along with valuable advice. Free. Available on the App Store and Google Play.

Good to know:the Premium version (53.99 euros/year) also gives access to a virtual nutritional coach and the Ultimate package (78.99 euros/year) includes a molecular scan which identifies the number of calories and the intake nutritional content of your meals.

i-pollen, the allergy ally

Dedicated to pollen allergies, this app delivers alerts from the National Aerobiological Surveillance Network (RNSA). You can consult city by city the weather forecast and pollen releases in real time. It is also possible to be warned in advance of pollen risks by setting personalized alerts, depending on the species of trees and grasses to which you are sensitive.

Free. Available on the App Store and Google Play.

Special diabetes apps

  • DiabetoPartner

Developed with the French Association of Diabetics, it offers advice sheets for type 2 diabetics without insulin (hypoglycemia, cooking recipes, reading labels, etc.), a medical appointment tracking book and prescription management.

Free. Available on the App Store and Google Play.

  • Mydiabby

It simplifies the life of type 1 or 2 diabetics by storing and analyzing data on blood sugar, insulin therapy, physical activity, etc. It also allows remote medical monitoring (remote monitoring, renewal of prescriptions, etc.). This app is also configured for the specific follow-up of gestational diabetes. Some blood glucose meters or insulin pumps can be linked directly to this app.

Free. Available on the App Store and Google Play.

  • DiabiLive

Multi-awarded (Innovation Awards CES 2018, Concours Lépine 2016), it allows you to calculate your insulin doses according to your blood sugar and the number of carbohydrates consumed. A function also makes it possible to edit weekly and monthly reports before an appointment with a diabetologist or a doctor.

Free. Available on the App Store and Google Play.

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