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Starting horseback riding:you need this

All right, you've decided to go horseback riding. All nice and nice, but then you have to inform yourself well about what to expect and therefore prepare yourself well. You will not have made this decision lightly; you love horses and like the sport. You may have even ridden a few times and cared for a few. It probably just fueled your enthusiasm. But what do you need when you start riding? We'll break it down for you.

A cap. There is a good chance that the riding will not immediately go smoothly and before you know it you will fall off your horse. Then it is absolutely not a luxury to wear a cap and thus protect your head during the fall. You never know how you might fall and end up. Don't think too lightly about the cap! Don't just buy the cheapest you can find online or just buy an easy one on Marktplaats! Your cap must be the right size for your head and must be approved by the insurance company. Only then do you know that it is really safe. So do your research!

Riding boots
You also need to know what you are looking for when purchasing boots. A ten euro pair of wellies is not what you want. Riding boots are usually made of leather or rubber. Good firm for your feet. You can also opt for a riding shoe or a low riding boot. What suits you best and what you like best. And the look also counts of course! If you're doing it, you're doing it right:that professional riding look will make you salivate!

A good pair of pants
There are special riding breeches for sale. They are made of a thick material, with an extra sturdy material in some places to prevent it from wearing quickly while chafing against the saddle and the horse. If you're not ready to buy real breeches right away, you can also opt for sturdy leggings, but keep in mind that they can wear out quickly. Make sure it is comfortable and you can move well and flexibly in your pants or leggings.

A fly blanket
This blanket is of course not intended for you, but for the horse. Flies, hornets and mosquitoes are always looking for a human or animal as prey. With a fly rug you cover your horse to a large extent and you protect him against the stinging and tickling insects. You can choose different colors and patterns, so that the insects do not see your horse as prey.

Starting horseback riding:you need this

A whip
It is of course not the intention that your horse will give you hard blows to get what you want, but with gentle taps you can give your horse instructions. This whip actually serves as a means of communication between rider and horse. It is mainly used when training a horse, as an extension of your arm. This way you can touch body parts of the horse that you cannot reach with your arm. Just like all the supplies you will want to purchase for yourself as a rider and for your horse, a whip is also for sale at MHS Equestrian.

A saddle
Unless you are a very trained rider, it is very useful to have a saddle when you ride. These come in different shapes and sizes. With back support, without back support, tree saddles or treeless saddles… It just depends on what you like and need as a rider and what suits you and your horse. The saddle must of course fit well on the back of your horse. That is why the type of saddle also differs per horse! The saddle not only determines comfort for your horse, but also your posture while riding. So this is not something to just buy quickly. Research, research!

Grooming equipment
If you like to look well-groomed yourself, why shouldn't your horse look good? With brushes and cleaning gloves you can take good care of the skin and mane of the animal. Brush out the mud and the tangles out of the hair. Brushing and caring for the skin largely contributes to the health of your horse! Also, take your time and check for wounds or chafing. But taking care of your horse is not only good for skin and hair, but also gives you the opportunity to get very close to your horse, to have real contact, one on one. This is how you strengthen the bond between the two of you!

Starting horseback riding:you need this

There are so many more things to mention that you need when you start horseback riding, but the above articles are definitely a must-have. Lots of driving pleasure in advance and don't forget the cuddle and care moments!