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When do you need a tetanus shot?

When do you need a tetanus shot?

Since 1957, everyone has been given a tetanus shot. This jab will not protect you for the rest of your life. When is it wise to have a tetanus shot again?

Infection Tetanus is caused by a bacterium, clostridium tetani. When this bacterium, which lives in street dirt, among other things, ends up in a wound, you can contract tetanus. The bacterium produces toxins in the body that cause paralysis and muscle cramps.

Tetanus shot
Since 1957, the National Vaccination Action Program has included a vaccination against tetanus. However, this vaccination does not provide lifelong protection. After a number of years, the vaccination must be wholly or partially reintroduced.

Revaccination against tetanus is not standard. It is wise to get a tetanus injection for a wound that has come into contact with street dirt or a (deep) animal bite. A preventive tetanus injection is recommended for certain travel destinations.

Increased risk
If you come into contact with animals a lot or if you have a higher risk of injury, for example because of your work, it is also wise to get a tetanus shot.