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Bye bye fungal nails! With this horse remedy you get rid of it

Bye bye fungal nails! With this horse remedy you get rid of it

This tip comes from a horse hoof caretaker. Hoofs can be compared to our nails. And horses also suffer from their 'nails'. What we call fungal nails are actually fungal nails. At the drugstore you can buy all kinds of remedies to smear on your nails and on internet forums people exchange all kinds of tips to get rid of those fungal nails. Nothing helps. But a very handy home remedy does help with horses and now the same home remedy appears to work fine for people as well.

This is how you get rid of your fungal nails. This is what you need:

  1. A plant sprayer (6 euros)
  2. A bottle of natural vinegar (4 euros)
  3. This essential oil (8 euros)
  4. Lavender oil (7 euros)
  5. Eucalyptus oil (8 euros)
  6. En tea tree oil (7 euros)
  7. A sturdy iron file or an electric nail file (30 euros)

In total you will lose 70 euros, but you will then last at least two years. After a year, your fungal nails have disappeared, and the following year you keep it a little bit to make sure it doesn't come back.

And this is what you do:Fill the plant sprayer with vinegar and some water. Put each oil about 10 or 20 drops to the mixture. It doesn't really matter in which distribution you throw everything into the plant sprayer, because afterwards you shake the bottle and each ingredient has a strong anti-fungal effect.

File your nails as thinly as possible. This works best with the electric file and you can then keep up with the iron file.

Then spray the plant sprayer over your nails every morning and every evening. If you do this above a sink (put your foot on the edge of the sink if you are a bit flexible), you can also clean the sink with a cloth afterwards :)

File your nails once a week. Repeat this filing until your nails have grown and don't forget to wet your nails with the plant sprayer twice a day. Take pictures of your nails to keep track of the gradient. After a while you can really see in the photo that your nails are becoming soft and pink again.

Be patient, because it will take at least a year for your nails to be replaced in their entirety. Then keep track of your nails with a standard nail set.

Source:Healthy Hooves, Image:Getty Images