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How do I get through the festive season healthy?

How do I get through the festive season healthy?

The temperature is increasingly below zero and you can already hear the first Christmas songs on the radio:the holidays are approaching at lightning speed. While one enjoys the conviviality and being together with family and friends to the fullest, the other is mainly concerned about the temptations. The snacks. The drinks. The sweets. How do you get through this holiday season as healthy as possible?

This article is contributed by Anita from Also read her previous article:Nutrition tips for during your period.

1. Set a clear goal
If you want to lose weight or maintain it, even during the holidays, it is important to have a clear goal in mind. What is your ideal weight? Imagine if you managed to get to that weight for those crucial holidays, what will you look like? How do you feel? What does it do to you? Imagine, for example, that you can show your family at Christmas that you have achieved your goals, or that you can finally wear that beautiful dress on New Year's Eve. The clearer you can visualize this and the clearer your goal is, the easier it is to really go for it (and stick to it).

2. Make natural food your lifestyle
More important than losing weight is learning to maintain that ideal weight. This can be done by adopting a healthy lifestyle. So don't just pay attention to what you eat with healthy things on the menu in the coming weeks, but make it a true lifestyle. Nowadays you will find an abundance of fast carbohydrates, or processed foods, in every supermarket. Think of cookies, pasta, noodles, bread, soft drinks, candy, chips and so on. Instead, eat natural products, i.e. slow carbohydrates, such as sweet potato, quinoa, oats, buckwheat and vegetables. Healthy fats and proteins are also important:nuts, seeds, seeds, fish, (organic) meat and avocado. Plenty of choice and variety!

3. Drink a green smoothie every day Do you find it difficult to get the right amount of healthy food? When you drink a green smoothie, you ensure in a simple way that you can take in all the necessary vitamins and minerals in no time. In addition, drinking a green smoothie also speeds up the weight loss process. Because not only are these delicious and super healthy drinks full of vitamins and minerals, they also contain slow carbohydrates that keep you feeling full for a long time and healthy proteins and fats that stimulate your fat burning.

4. Move, move, move
An open door, but it doesn't hurt to emphasize it even more:keep moving. In any way whatsoever. You don't have to become an avid runner or muscular fitness buff right away. For example, take the stairs more often, cycle to work or the supermarket and walk around the block during breaks or in the evening after dinner. Keep track of your steps with a pedometer, so that you can see more concretely whether you have already moved enough. Are you a fanatic sportsman? Then remember that short, intensive workouts are most effective.

5. Eat consciously
Many people are busy or doing too many things at once, so everything happens on autopilot. Food is also often the victim of this:we eat unconsciously. We quickly eat something on the way, or while we are sitting behind the laptop or working mindlessly with our smartphone. We don't really pay attention to what else we work in and how much. Conscious eating is really being aware of what is on your plate, how it tastes, what you like and whether you are full. In addition, many people often eat very quickly, while chewing well is much easier when you are aware of what you are eating. Take your time, really sit down and most of all:enjoy!

More tips about losing weight and healthy nutrition can be found on the Jasper Alblas website>>

Text:Anita Mulderij | Image:Shutterstock