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Make peace with your reflection in the mirror with these tips

Make peace with your reflection in the mirror with these tips

Do you especially see that pimple, roll of fat or that one gray hair when you look in the mirror? Shame! These tips will help you see yourself as you really are.

Create a new focus

Research from Ohio State University shows that women with a positive body image have one thing in common:When they look in the mirror, they focus their attention on the things they like about their reflection. You can shift your focus by writing down all the positives about yourself. What do you like about yourself? Your full head of hair, your smile, but maybe also a certain quality that you possess. Repeat these points when you stand in front of the mirror or write them on a post-it that you stick on the mirror.

Read also: This way you increase your focus and save time

Look less in the mirror

Your body image consists of different layers:how you think about your body, how you feel physically (fit or unfit), how your relationship with food is, what clothes you wear and how often you look at your reflection in the mirror. By looking in the mirror less, thoughts about your appearance automatically diminish. Try looking in the mirror only in the morning for a week as you get ready for the day. You will notice that it gives you peace of mind.

Read also: 5x more self-love:how do you do that?

You will find even more tips (Be media wise &Stop ugly talk) in the new Santé!

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Image:Getty Images / Text:Mara Ruijter