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5 Best New Year's Diving Tips

Traditionally, the New Year's Dive is organized on January 1. Will you join us? Then I have listed the 5 best tips for New Year's diving for you. Ideal to survive the New Year's dive again this time.

  1. Join the warm up

The warm up is not done for nothing. It is important that your body is warmed up 10 – 15 minutes before diving into the cold water. Of course you can do that alone, but it is much more fun together with everyone else who will also do the New Year's dive. So come well in time, find a nice place and participate in the warming up.

  1. Hat, gloves and shoes

Most heat is lost through your head and feet. That is why it is very important to wear a hat. During the New Year's dive in Scheveningen they hand out Unox hats, wear these. It is also useful to wear shoes. These can be sneakers, but also special swimming shoes. Are you a real cold-blooded person? Then it is best to wear gloves.

Extra tip:are you really looking for something warm to wear? Then choose neoprene. This is specially compressed rubber that ensures that your body stays warm for longer.

  1.  Diving

Many people literally take a dip in the (ice) cold water. However, only do this if you are fit enough for this. Diving into the cold water out of nowhere can literally take your breath away and cause you to go into shock. Can your body tolerate something or are you used to swimming in nature, for example? Then you can wear earplugs that prevent the cold water from getting into your ears.

Should you not feel completely well after the dive or become unwell? Then go to the Rescue Brigade or First Aid Post as soon as possible.

  1. Know your limit

Nice to hear all those people who splash around in the water for a few minutes, maybe also take nice selfies. You know your limit:if after 1 minute in the water you think it's enough, get out. Listen carefully to your body and know your limit during the New Year's Dive.

  1. Dry and warm up

A big mistake many people make is running out of the water, drying off in a hurry and putting on clothes as quickly as possible. However, this is disastrous for your body and you should avoid it under all circumstances. When you get out of the cold water after the New Year's dive, dry your body well first. It is then useful to wear a bathrobe with warm shoes and socks for about 10 minutes. Then you can slowly change your clothes, without immediately putting on all kinds of layers on top of each other. To finish, you can enjoy a cup of hot soup and/or hot chocolate 

Checklist New Year's Dive

  • Hat
  • Gloves
  • Shoes that allow you to go into the water
  • Ear plugs (if you go for a dive)
  • Towel
  • Bathrobe
  • Clothes you can layer on

Are you going to participate in the New Year's Dive this year? Then I wish you a lot of success!

Do you have any additions to my 5 best New Year's dive tips? Let me know!