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10 natural ways to lower your blood pressure

10 natural ways to lower your blood pressure

Do you suffer from high blood pressure and would you like to know what you can do yourself to lower it a bit? We have listed 10 natural ways to lower your blood pressure.

1. Reduce your salt intake

One of the biggest reasons why too much salt can make your blood pressure increase is because it increases the volume of fluids in your body, putting extra strain on your heart and kidneys. Therefore, make sure you consume less than 2,300 milligrams per day, or even 1,500 milligrams if you already have high blood pressure. How to eat less salt Eat less processed and prepackaged foods and choose products with a low sodium content. A nice rule of thumb to keep every meal under 500 milligrams, for example by using fresh herbs and spices instead of packets and sachets.

2. Watch out for potassium

Did you know that potassium can help to get rid of excess salt in your body? This puts less pressure on our blood vessels and lowers your blood pressure. If you check your blood pressure naturally, try to get at least 4,700 milligrams of potassium per day. You can do this, for example, by eating bananas, apricots, avocado, yogurt, grapefruit and green leafy vegetables.

10 natural ways to lower your blood pressure

3. Go for a walk every day

Regular movement is the key to success for strengthening your heart. As a result, it doesn't have to work as hard to pump blood through your body, increasing your systolic blood pressure up to 9 points. A healthy goal is to walk for at least 30 minutes every day – it has a positive effect on your health and it is quite achievable, right? You can easily measure your blood pressure yourself with this device.

4. Watch your weight

Also overweight can put extra strain on your heart and possibly damage your blood vessels, which will raise your blood pressure. The good news? You don't have to lose a lot of weight to notice a difference. Losing a few pounds can already lower your blood pressure towards a healthy result. So take a close look at your diet and try to keep exercising regularly to lose some weight.

10 natural ways to lower your blood pressure 10 natural ways to lower your blood pressure

5. Do handgrip exercises

For a few minutes a day in a hand gripper (like this ) or squeezing a tennis ball, you can check your blood pressure also let it fall, even by a point or six. Hold the hand gripper with one hand for two full minutes using about half your strength. Rest for two minutes before performing the exercise with your other hand and then repeat the exercise again with both hands.

6. Find healthy ways to relax

It should come as no surprise that stress increases your blood pressure the pan to rise. In the long run, it can lead to chronic high blood pressure and damage to your cardiovascular system. Stress causes more adrenaline and cortisol to be produced, which means that your blood vessels no longer remain flexible. So time to relax! Use meditation, breathing exercises and yoga – all effective ways to relax. Or find your own healthy way of relaxation!

7. Go outside more

Mother Nature has a huge positive effect on your mood. Spending time outside can help your stress hormones , such as cortisol, and decrease feelings of depression and anxiety. All these factors contribute to high blood pressure , so going outside can help lower it. And best of all? You don't have to run on the beach or go deep into the woods to reap these benefits. Just being in a place with some trees and greenery can lower your stress levels and contribute to healthier blood vessels. Time to go for a walk!

8. Don't sit too much

Even if you exercise regularly, spending a lot of time at your desk or on the couch can have a negative effect on your blood pressure. The more you sit, the less energy you use. This leads to an increase in fat storage and an increase in your hormone levels, which will raise your blood pressure. If you sit for long periods of time, set reminders in your phone to get up and stretch your legs every 30 minutes. Or, better yet, get yourself more on your feet throughout the day. Walk when you're on the phone or schedule a walking meeting instead of a coffee date

9. Make sure you get enough sleep

A lack of sleep not only makes you feel lethargic and tired, it also has a negative effect on your blood pressure. People who sleep five hours or less per night have a higher risk of higher blood pressure than people who get between seven and eight hours of sleep per night. Too little sleep This causes the production of stress hormones such as cortisol, which can cause your blood pressure to rise. So make sure you get enough sleep!

10. Drink in moderation

Moderate drinking can help your blood pressure decrease by about four points. Drinking too much, on the other hand, can actually cause your blood pressure to rise. Experts aren't entirely sure, but alcohol may cause your blood vessels to narrow and cause your body to retain more sodium. So, if you drink alcohol, don't drink more than one drink a day to keep your blood pressure in check.

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