Do you have elbow and forearm pain?
It must be a tennis elbow!
Picking up an object, lifting a bag, opening a door or a lid becomes painful.
And tennis-elbow aren't just for tennis players!
If you are used to typing on your keyboard, using heavy tools or lifting heavy things... are also likely to suffer from this inflamed elbow tendon.
Fortunately, a physio friend gave me his natural and effective treatment to immediately relieve these elbow pains.
My husband, who suffered from elbow pain for months because of his work, no longer feels anything. It's a miracle ! Watch:
- fresh aloe vera leaf
- knife
1. Take a fresh aloe vera leaf.
2. With the knife, cut it in half lengthwise.
3. Collect one of the two pieces and put the other in the fridge.
4. Run the juicy part of the aloe over your elbow.
5 . Spread the painful area well with the aloe gel.
6. Leave to act while the gel dries.
7. Renew several times a day.
And There you go ! Thanks to this grandmother's remedy, no more elbow pain due to tennis elbow :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
And you want the best?
Relief is almost instantaneous !
You can also make a poultice of aloe juice to put directly on the elbow.
Leave it on for at least 10 minutes.
Remember to keep your aloe leaves in the fridge!
Aloe vera is known for its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties.
Applying it to the painful area helps to reduce tension in the tendon responsible for this suffering.
And therefore to simply stop the pain.
Want even better?
Apply cold aloe gel to your elbow.
To do this, leave the aloe leaf in the fridge and collect the gel.
It will calm tensions even faster.
Another tip:you can drink diluted aloe vera juice every day.
Not only does it hydrate you, but it also hydrates the joints from the inside.
Tennis elbow is an inflammation of the elbow tendon .
Its medical and scientific name is "epicondylitis".
But as it often affects racket game athletes, it is commonly called "tennis-elbow".
It can intervene when you change the string of your racquet or when you play with balls that are too heavy.
Obviously, you can be affected by this type of tendonitis even if you don't play tennis.
The repetitive movements of certain professions can also be the cause:mouse clicks, recurrent blows with a hammer for example, or repetitive vibrations...
Can you guess what's next? One of the best treatments is to stop these movements so that the pain passes.
And I advise you to hire a competent tennis teacher to correct your gestures as well as possible!
When you have tennis elbow, you feel pain on the outer side of your elbow.
The pain spreads to the forearm and affects how you hold objects.
Picking up an object, lifting a heavy bag, opening a door or opening a lid by turning it are delicate gestures.