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The tastiest healthy pancake recipe, on the table within 10 minutes!

Whether or not you follow certain eating hypes, whether or not you eat meat, or whether you like to stuff yourself with everything that is 'forbidden' ... it is important for everyone to eat a varied diet. And well, that it is also a bit tasty, that's what we all sign for, right? I'm not a very good cook, but I can put something tasty on the table. A healthy pancake recipe was still missing. But not anymore.

In addition, I like to be ready quickly because I still have a thousand and one other things in my head to do. And I'm so glad I found a way to combine all-in-1 with this healthy pancake recipe. The tastiest I've ever eaten! And ready within 10 minutes.

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Healthy pancakes recipe

And you know what's really beautiful? You probably already have all the ingredients at home! Because who doesn't have bananas and eggs at home? With that alone you can make tasty and healthy pancakes, at least, that's what I think. Only this healthy pancake recipe, the kids did not agree with that. They tasted too much banana 😛 .

And what the farmer does not know… he does not eat that. Because bananas go well with us, just a warm banana? Meh… they have something to say about that.

So I had to think about how I could cover up the banana flavor a bit and the pancakes still remained healthy, but with a sweet taste. Because I think healthy eating with children is important. And I found it very easy! That is, add a little cinnamon. If you also want to add a little 'base' with this healthy pancake recipe, you can add some oatmeal. Also tasty! Are you looking for a basic pancake recipe? Then check this blog.

Want to learn how to cook? Check the cooking course by the Cooking University for more information .

Ingredients for my healthy-pancake recipe:

  • 1 banana
  • 1 egg
  • full teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 3 tablespoons oatmeal

This is good for about 10 healthy pancakes the size of your palm. Eat with the whole family (4 people), then you need about 3x this amount.

Preparation method healthy-pancakes:

Combine all ingredients in a bowl and blend with a stick blender. Ready 😉 . Meanwhile, heat a pan on the stove with some butter. When the butter is brown, add the batter. You can bake 4 of these pancakes at the same time in an average frying pan.

Do not set the heat too high, so that they do not burn until they are 'dry' inside. Turn over and ready to serve. You don't need anything more, they are already nice and sweet on their own.

Tip:I always like to get raspberries from the freezer at home. This pack is good for 2-3 times a tasty and healthy topping for your pancakes. Let 1/3 of the raspberries defrost in advance and heat them briefly in the microwave when the healthy pancakes are in the pan.

And this is what it looks like if you are not as good at food photography as the photographer above 😉 . But certainly no less delicious!

The tastiest pancakes

I did joke a little bit above. It may be the healthiest pancake recipe I know… the very-very-very-most delicious pancakes that my father baked 😉 . Crepes with sugar.

Since I don't feel so good about that anymore, I came up with the healthy variant that also immediately gives a feeling of satiety. Did you eat the pancakes according to my recipe for lunch? Then I'm sure you won't get a sugar dip in the afternoon and can just continue until dinner. Do you have to get the oatmeal variety? Without oatmeal is just as tasty, but a little less filling.

Health freak

Are you a health freak and are you going to say that this recipe does contain sugars? Then you are right. But those are just fruit sugars. And as long as you don't stuff yourself with a kilo of fruit sugar every day, your health will certainly be fine! Fruit is in the disc of five for a reason, is it?

In addition, the natural fruit sugars simply keep your blood sugar level at the same level and do not cause fluctuations that make you feel extra tasty. If you want to lose weight, too much fruit in one day might not be the smart thing to do, but you can still make this healthy pancake recipe without any problems. And do you really want to be on the safe side? Then you omit the topping.

Have you ever eaten healthy pancakes? And if so, what do you think? If you use my healthy pancake recipe, let me know how you liked it, I'm super curious! If you prefer other delicacies, these cupcake ice cream treats might be something for you.

Image used via Shutterstock