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brushing teeth toddler; the better tips for toddlers with a mind of their own

What a party, we can brush our teeth again. Have you ever found that brushing your toddler's teeth leads to a major teeth-brushing drama? I think that's a real party. It's not always a problem though, especially in the beginning it was fun and interesting. But nowadays it's just how his cap looks. If that cap isn't right, I can forget about brushing my toddler's teeth!

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Brushing teeth toddler; everything comes out of the closet!

Now that Noud is almost three years old, we have enough teeth to brush. I've already thought of everything. Sing songs, let him do it himself, brush the bear's teeth, look in the mirror. Or try who can say aaaaaaaaaaaaa the longest, that too! We have now reached the point where he wants me to brush the teeth of his cars first(?). All nice and nice, but when we switch to his teeth it is suddenly less funny. My last resort is the electric toothbrush. I don't have any tricks left.

How often should you brush your toddler's teeth?

You start brushing your toddler's teeth when the first teeth come through. By the age of two, you should already be brushing your toddler's teeth twice a day. So I can't make it, in the morning I often let him do it himself and in the evening we both do it a bit. It would be better if I would take care of all the cleaning in the evening, but of course the sir doesn't want that.

It's okay if things don't go perfectly right away, the toothpaste in the mouth is already very important. I'm happy with that again. The fluoride in toothpaste ensures further hardening of the enamel of the newly emerged teeth. We will come back to the fact that fluoride also has bad properties, but further hardening has in any case been proven.

Suitable toothbrush for toddlers

And what is a suitable toothbrush? For a toddler or preschooler you have special small brushes with soft hairs and therefore also electric variants. Although it is good to teach children to brush by hand, an electric toothbrush is certainly good to use. Did you know that there are also nice apps for brushing your teeth? I have not yet used this when brushing my toddler's teeth, but I will undoubtedly do so again.

Brushing toddler's teeth with the right toothpaste

At home we brush toddler's teeth with toddler toothpaste. Of course . One with Woezel and Pip on it. And he loves Woezel and Pip. Only the tube is otherwise pink. Yes, you can already feel the mood. That's for girls mammaaaaa, silly! I'm a big boy already! sigh. Well, after a good discussion, that argument is also gone and if he doesn't keep his teeth tightly together, we can start brushing.

Toddler toothpaste is suitable for children up to 5 years. This contains less fluoride than adult toothpaste, so it is 'no harm' if swallowed. And before you know it, it will be time for your first dental visit. Next week Noud will also be allowed to sit in the big chair for the first time. He went with us before, but now his teeth are also being looked at.

Brushing toddler's teeth and going to the dentist

Last time, the assistant already told you how such an initial check goes. In a playful way, the mouth is looked at and then mainly at the development of the teeth. The mirror is then used for a while and they provide further advice and information.

Afraid of the dentist?

There is no natural fear of the dentist. This is mainly conveyed by signals when, for example, you are a bit afraid. So far, Noud is looking forward to his first visit. Lying in the big chair, with a big lamp, a nice poster to look at and a mirror to smile in. And because he has been such a big boy, he can also pick out a nice bouncing ball. Mom is happy again.

Tips to make brushing your toddler's teeth easier

I will list the tips for you if you also have a toddler with a mind of its own:

  1. Let your toddler brush with you
  2. Make up a nice tooth brushing song that you sing every time
  3. They also often like a nice electric toothbrush, preferably with a cartoon hero on it!
  4. The Oral B Disney Magic timer also includes a tooth brushing app
  5. Tell a story while brushing your teeth
  6. Make sure your toddler is not too tired
  7. Agree with your toddler that you brush his teeth and that he or she can brush your teeth afterwards, also fun!
  8. When brushing your toddler's teeth, try to distract your little one by turning it into a game. For example, imitate all animal sounds together, and don't forget to take the lion with you. Open your mouth wide for easy access!

Re-polishing up to 10 years!

Up to the age of ten it is important to help with polishing. The motor skills to properly brush themselves are not there yet. And the will probably doesn't either 😛 .

Is brushing your toddler's teeth such a challenge? Or do you have any other tips for us? Be sure to let me know in a comment below!