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Tips for better comfort in the car

Tips for better comfort in the car

Whether it's a short or long car trip, your well-being is essential! Can't stand sitting for too long? Pain, discomfort, fatigue... You only have one thing in mind:get it over with. Here are our tips for improving your comfort in the car.

Prolonged sitting:what are the consequences?

The French spend an average of 3.5 hours in transport each week, i.e. more than 6 days a year. During their lifetime, they also spend about 2 years and 8 months (or 23,064 hours) behind the wheel of their car and 10,179 hours as a passenger. Even if it means spending so much time sitting confined in a car, you might as well be well settled.

Sitting too long can take its toll on the body. Indeed, the hours spent at the wheel and sometimes in traffic jams force you to remain in a seated position. What happens in our body when we spend hours sitting?

  • Slowed blood circulation :Sitting for a long time slows blood circulation and oxygen supply to the brain. Results ? You no longer have clear ideas and your concentration drops. A situation that can be dangerous in a car. Not to mention that slowed blood circulation can also be the cause of the appearance of varicose veins. Not very glamorous, for those who go on vacation to the beach.
  • Appearance of back problems :If you spend too much time in a sitting position, one of the most common problems is the appearance of back pain. Sitting and strain injuries can damage intervertebral discs. Back pain can also be the result of poor posture. These pains also affect the neck and shoulders (closely related to your back).

What is the ideal position to get out of your car?

To get out of your vehicle, adopt the right reflexes to protect your back. The ideal is to put your legs out first, then get up. Avoid twisting the bust at all costs to preserve your back.

How to improve your comfort in the car?

To prevent pain and discomfort due to prolonged sitting behind the wheel, you need to take a few simple steps. Here are our tips to improve your comfort in the car:

Choose the right car model

Above all, driving comfort depends on the choice of your car model. Your choice must be made according to your habits, your needs and the number of kilometers you cover on a daily basis. For those looking for a new good reason to buy a new car, here is a good one.

Adjust your seat and position

To be comfortable when driving, the first step is to adjust your seat. For a pleasant drive:

  • Adjust your seat so that you have good visibility and are far enough away from the steering wheel.
  • Your feet should have easy access to the pedals. Your legs should neither be straight nor bent too much.
  • Your hands should be in a 10:10 or 9:15 position on the steering wheel. Your arms should not be straight or too bent. As for your shoulders, make sure they are not lifted from the backrest.

Don't overlook the usefulness of the armrest

Present in all cars, the central armrest remains very little used by drivers. However, this accessory is very practical to relieve your right elbow and the pressure of your hand on the gear lever. Take advantage of the presence of your central armrest to improve your driving comfort.

A few tips to relieve your limbs

To make your journeys more enjoyable, here are a few simple things to do:

  • Take regular breaks:at least 15 min every two hours to relieve your muscles and reactivate your blood circulation;
  • Adopt the cushions specially designed to fight against back pain in the car;
  • Use options such as cruise control, rear view camera or automatic transmission to make driving easier;
  • Maintain your vehicle, especially the shock absorbers to limit jolts.

To preserve your comfort, there are a few simple tricks to put in place, such as adjusting the steering wheel and the seat. Also think about the technical control and the regular maintenance of your car to improve your comfort in the car. Thanks to these little tricks, you will no longer neglect your comfort, even for short periods of time.