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5 tips for women with heart problems

Cardiovascular diseases are still the number one cause of death for women in the Netherlands. It is therefore important to be alert to complaints that may indicate heart problems. These may be more vague in women, causing them to be overlooked or confused with other conditions. We therefore have 5 tips for women with heart problems.

1. Be alert
Be alert in case of complaints that may have to do with your heart. As a woman, be extra alert if:
* your father, mother, brother or sister already had a heart attack before the age of 65
* you had a highly elevated blood pressure during pregnancy
* you was in menopause before you were 40

2. Recognize the signs
Pain in the chest and radiation of the pain to the jaw, arms and back are the most well-known signals. But there are also other signs that can indicate heart problems. These other signs are more common in women. In addition to the most obvious signs, complaints such as pain between the shoulder blades, a limp or flu-like feeling, a restless feeling or feelings of fear, nausea, shortness of breath, dizziness, extreme fatigue, palpitations or stomach complaints can be vague complaints.

3. Know what the risk factors are
Some people are more likely to have heart problems than others. This is the case, for example, if you:
smoke, have high blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes, you already went through menopause before your 40th birthday, are under a lot of stress, are overweight, because of heredity or if you have a seriously elevated blood pressure during pregnancy or had gestational diabetes.

4. Keep your heart healthy To reduce the risk of heart disease, it is important to keep your heart healthy. You do this by living a healthy life. So get enough exercise, eat healthy, ensure that your blood pressure remains low, ensure a healthy weight, drink in moderation, stop smoking and keep your blood sugar under control.

5. Be prepared
Too many people ignore the signs because they wonder if their symptoms are real. Don't wait if you have any unusual symptoms. Listen to your body and trust your instincts. If something is wrong, you should immediately seek professional help. It is also wise to purchase an AED. It can save lives, not just yours, but others as well. With an AED within reach, you don't have to wait for an ambulance to arrive. The first 6 minutes are crucial when a victim loses consciousness and action must be taken quickly after this.