Family Best Time >> Health

What is healthy living? A cup of orange juice already makes you a motherfucker

Pfff. The errands are done. Quite a task these days if you ask me. Because as soon as you put products with sugars, E numbers or wrong fats in your shopping cart, you get the look. You know him. THE look. You used to get that look when you bought a pack of cigarettes. Now with the purchase of orange juice with sugar or a large bag of chips that has not been baked in the oven. Because; it's unhealthy. But what is healthy living these days? Can you still enjoy? That seems out of the question!

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Use common sense; how was this before?

My parents used to have cigarettes on the table at parties. Next to the cheese and sausage cubes was a standard glass with butts. Camel without filter. Smoking was very common and almost everyone did it. I started smoking around my 15 e † First secretly, then in public. In the pub and restaurants we puffed away. I am from the time when you were even allowed to smoke on the train. Also at work I was smoking in front of my PC. Healthy living? We haven't really looked at that yet. No smartphone but a cigarette in hand. Now I know better and I'm glad I don't smoke anymore. Of course because of my health, but I definitely don't miss the moments below:

  • Stress if you have to be at work on time but your pack of cigarettes is almost empty.
  • Smelly breath, clothing, or hair. Holy shit, that smell got into everything.
  • An empty lighter. Complete panic!

Recognizable or have you never smoked?

After a number of frantic attempts, I have now stopped smoking for over 11 years. Every now and then I still feel like a cigarette. For example when I am sitting on a terrace. With good company and a nice glass of wine. Luckily I can stop smoking. But to smoke outside in the cold or in such a dirty smoker's house, no, that really doesn't sound like anything to me.

What is healthy living? There is always something.

The measures taken by the government over the years to combat smoking seem to have paid off. Almost no one smokes in my area anymore and if someone does light a cigarette, it is often an occasional smoker. So very good. But now that we've pretty much got the hang of smoking, we obviously need something else to tackle:sugar!

The sugars, fats and carbohydrates

I don't know much about all those nutrients. Good sugars, bad sugars and unsaturated fats. I often buy fresh products and products that I think are healthy but also tasty. But what is healthy living? Or healthy food. Do you know it? The fresher or purer something is, the better is my motto. Just like with chocolate 😉 . We do not follow any diets, do not count calories and carbohydrates are welcome with us.

Don't think we're those fat bastards. The children receive fruit to school every day. After school they get a cookie or a sweet. If the children get hungry at 4:30 PM, they get a plate with fruit, tomatoes, carrots or peppers. We eat potatoes, meat, vegetables, pasta or rice. Sometimes with a sauce from a package, but also often freshly prepared. From time to time, a fries or pizza is of course also included!

Sugar, a hot topic of conversation

But all around me I hear only what's bad. If the product does not contain sugar, it does contain aspartame. We don't want to either. Sometimes you just don't know what's good and what's bad. It makes me insecure. Do you have that too? Or do you know exactly what's in it? Pouring a cup of orange juice already makes you a motherfucker these days, let alone if you give the children a bag of chips on a Wednesday afternoon.

Sugar is also a hot topic of conversation among mothers. While the conversations used to be about dresses in the sale, which wine is good and where it is best to go out for a drink, now we know exactly how many sugar cubes are in which drink package. 

Schools prescribe new rules

When the smoking regulations were tightened up, we thought that was ridiculous. Now it is quite normal and we are happy about it. Smoking is also no longer affordable. Geez, tell me what that costs. Now everyone also thinks that there are schools that only accept water and fruit as 10 hours. I personally think the obligation goes a long way, but it is a good thing that serious attention is paid to it.

I honestly wonder whether our children will be able to buy soft drinks, sweets and chips later on without submitting a health card or something. And whether these products are no longer in sight, just like now with cigarettes. Imagine! Let's not talk about the alcoholic refreshments at all.  

Common sense

So during my round in the supermarket I first load the chips, liquorice and orange juice into my bags. Then I put the healthy stuff on top. No one to give me THE LOOK now. Provided I use the scanner of course and don't have to unload everything 😉 .

Every once in a while I take a healthy-looking product off the shelf and check the label. I don't really read ingredients, but I look at a healthy mom with a slanted eye. How she tries to keep her sugar-free children in check. I have already ordered the wine online and it will be delivered quickly to my home. Because dear people, let's use our common sense and don't forget to enjoy yourself once in a while.