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The benefits of a pet for seniors

The benefits of a pet for seniors

The benefits of the presence of a pet with seniors is well established. As proof, some retirement homes are beginning to accept them. Taking care of a four-legged friend, a bird or a rodent is beneficial for the elderly, both for their physical health and for their morale. What are the benefits of a pet for seniors?

Break the loneliness

Isolation and loneliness are part of the life of many elderly people, for lack of family, but also for lack of no longer having a social life and therefore no longer having the opportunity to meet other people. For these isolated seniors, a pet comforts and secures, by bringing in addition a benevolent presence, its affection, its fidelity, its cheerfulness. Owning a pet also allows the senior to have a topic of conversation to discuss with loved ones or with other pet owners and to create new bonds.

Continue to feel responsible

Living with a pet for elderly people who have left professional life, who no longer have dependent children, means continuing to feel useful and responsible. Seniors must organize the life of their dog, their cat, their bird or their rodent, think about their diet, visits to the vet, etc. In short, ensuring good living conditions for their animals helps seniors to remain vigilant, to feel responsible and therefore to maintain good self-esteem, which is often lacking with advancing age. Taking care of your pet is a daily goal, a raison d'être.

Stay active

Pets that ask to be walked regularly, that like to play, allow the elderly person to stay active, to move. This benefit should not be overlooked because inactivity is often a source of health problems in seniors. Staying active to take care of your pet, for example, helps protect against cardiovascular disease.

Help for the health of seniors with degenerative diseases

The presence of a pet alongside a person with a degenerative disease, such as Alzheimer's disease for example, has undeniable health benefits. It contributes, among other things, to helping the senior to continue to find his bearings in time thanks to the regular rhythm of life of his companion. The sick elderly person thus maintains a link with real life. Caring for a pet also helps stimulate the brain, including slowing down memory loss.