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The woman's heart:this is what a heart attack feels like in women!

We know, of course, that the woman's heart is actually one big mystery. And our men especially… A book should be written about that… Good news:there is. Do you also like to become a little wiser when you read a good book? Then the book The Woman's Heart might be something for you. We received it in the letterbox and are happy to tell you more about it.

Table of Contents

Book The woman's heart:recognize the signals

We've all experienced a broken heart at one time or another. Fortunately, you usually get over that. But women don't just have emotional problems with their hearts 😉 . And that's not exactly laughable:cardiovascular diseases are the number one cause of death among women. Every day 57 women in the Netherlands die from it. This is partly because signs of heart problems in women are sometimes less clear in men.

Men often get a pressing pain in the chest and a cramped feeling. In women, heart problems are more likely to result in fatigue, shortness of breath and back pain. Maybe not signals that you would directly link to the heart. Heart problems in women are therefore often less quickly detected than in men. Time to read up on us ladies.

Tip:You buy the book online at

Advice from a cardiologist

The book The Women's Heart was written by cardiologist Janneke Wittekoek. She specializes in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and is particularly interested in the female heart. Its mission is to put women's hearts on the map, so that fewer women die of cardiovascular disease in the future. This is because health care is originally based on the male body.

In The Women's Heart you learn to recognize heart problems. Did you know that pain in your left jaw can also indicate problems with your heart? Anyway, this book is a real boost. It is purely informative, so don't count on a relaxing novel. You have to keep your head up a bit, but you're willing to do that for your heart, right?

About Janneke Wittekoek and myself

Janneke herself will not know, but a few years ago she also examined me. In connection with the 'De Dokters' programme, I was asked if I wanted to participate in a stress test for working mothers.

That seemed fun and educational to do so I agreed (I still have to have it on tape somewhere 😉 ). However, the test results showed that my heart rate was so incredibly high that it could no longer be measured. Janneke therefore strongly recommended that I be examined by my own GP. I ignored that advice at the time because I'm pretty sure it was because I buried my mom the week before. An extremely emotional period. Because this test had been planned for so long and there were TV recordings, I didn't want to give up here anymore. I myself wasn't surprised that my body was a bit sluggish and that my heart was certainly not broken 🙁 .

Help your heart

The book The Women's Heart goes further than just identifying problems. In this way you learn about specific risks for women that lead to heart problems, but also how you can live a healthier life in order to prevent cardiovascular disease. Incidentally, many of these problems already arise in your childhood. Your daughter will also benefit from reading this book. And so does your son, because cardiovascular diseases are also a major problem in men. So sit back, pour yourself another cup of tea and go through the book The Women's Heart at your leisure. By the way, relaxation is also good for your heart, so you're doing doubly good right away!

Help the hearts of others

Lieke van Lexmond, Miryanna van Reeden and Tanja Jess are confronted with the female heart during this video. They are asked to fake a heart attack in women. And what do they do? They fake the heart attack as we know a man's. Quite confronting!