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Predict your fertile period and increase your chance of pregnancy

A more accurate and detailed alternative to traditional temperature measurement and other ovulation testers is the new OvuSense Fertility Monitor. This provides detailed and accurate information for women who want to have children. Precise measurements provide insight into fertility periods and menstrual cycles.

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Ovusense; the monitor to measure your fertility

Until now, this accurate insight could only be obtained with professional equipment in the hospital, but is now also available for home use. It is the first time that a home solution has been developed that is significantly more accurate than traditional temperatures or other existing methods.

The OvuSense combines accurate temperature measurements with an advanced algorithm to meet forecasts and identify trends. Women who want to have children are helped by indicating whether they are currently fertile. This is done by giving an indication of the next ovulation date and by giving an accurate prediction of the next period they will be fertile. This information is then easy to read on a display. The data is also stored so that trends can be determined. This also makes it possible to detect abnormalities such as extra long cycles or the lack of ovulation.

Accurate temperature measurement with Ovusense

The OvuSense is the only measuring instrument that can measure temperature differences of 0.0457 degrees Celsius. This great sensitivity is important to be able to measure the rise of 0.3 to 0.4 degrees Celsius during ovulation. With other measurement and prediction methods, there is a good chance that this small increase is not accurate enough. Or even not observed at all. In addition, the built-in software ensures that irrelevant data is filtered out of the calculations.

The OvuSense therefore takes into account influencing factors, such as fever. Any deviating and uncertain measurements are filtered out of the result.

Easy to use

The OvuSense Fertility Monitor consists of the Sensor and the Reader. The Sensor is the size of a small tampon. You can easily insert it yourself vaginally and use it for up to three cycles. During the night, the Sensor records the temperature every five minutes. In the morning, the Sensor is placed in the Reader to read and store the data. The Reader has been deliberately kept compact for easy portability. It fits in the palm of your hand –

Request e-Consult for Ovusense

Do you have questions? As a consumer you can request an e-consultation with a gynaecologist to get answers to these specific questions. As a result, you are assured of good guidance in the purchase or use of OvuSense. Even if your own doctor is not (fully) familiar with OvuSense.

Where do you get this fertility monitor?

The OvuSense can be purchased, but can also be rented with periods of three months, because the use often has to be relatively short. The Sensor is for strictly personal use and is good for up to three menstrual cycles. Then you can send it back for destruction. The Reader is reusable and will be returned to “Van Wens Tot Wieg” for cleaning and disinfection after the rental period. Are you interested? You can order via or via your general practitioner or attending physician.

Shutterstock photo by  Syda Productions of woman holding test