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How can you go back to sleep if you wake up at night?

How can you go back to sleep if you wake up at night?

You know that:that you suddenly wake up at night and that you can no longer fall asleep, because you start thinking about all kinds of things. With these scientifically proven tips you can sleep well again.

Get out of bed

If you lie awake for more than twenty minutes, get out of bed. If you keep tossing and turning all the time, you're going to worry about not falling asleep. And that can lead to you associating your bedroom with not being able to sleep.

It is better to do something boring until you relax again and can go back to sleep.

Read also: 'Eat this and you will fall asleep faster'

Avoid bright light

If you go to the toilet at night, avoid bright lights, because that can affect the production of melatonin, a chemical in your brain that determines your sleep rhythm. Make sure you have a lamp in the bathroom or toilet that you can dim.

Just with your face under water

This may sound a bit extreme, but the HuffingtonPost came up with a rather cooling solution:dip your face in water. You do this as follows:

Hold your breath for 30 seconds and dip your face in cold water. This ensures that your heart beats less quickly and that your body comes to rest.


By meditating or doing some breathing exercises, you can relax. There are plenty of apps that can help you with this. Think, for example, of the apps The Breathing App, Prana Breath or Breathing Exercises Dutch.

Source:The Independent