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Get more energy by making conscious choices; my tips!

Feeling energized and feeling like you can do 10 things at once. That's what makes you get a kind of 'happy feeling'. In recent years I have missed that feeling and it is time to do something about it, no more excuses! Getting more energy will be at the top of my priority list for the coming month and I already know how I'm going to go about it.

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Getting energy and feeling fit used to be possible too!

Over the past month, I've been taking a closer look at some of my habits and actually I was shocked. When I got to know Frank (16 years ago) I was very energetic and I felt good about myself. I had two horses that I rode daily, got up early in the morning a few times a week to go for a run before going to work and if the weather was fine, I also went to work by bike.

What's left of that? Nothing! My energy is like. In the evening I lie – with my husband – on the couch watching a series. I have had trouble with sports for years and I make up all kinds of excuses for not exercising.

How come I haven't been energetic for years?

It's a sum I guess. From my Burgundian lifestyle (snack and drink? Yes please!), to having and raising children. And from having your own business (busy, busy, busy) to the transition. And undoubtedly much more!

My father is very ill, so I run from one place to another, eat irregularly, have a snack in between and when I am completely exhausted in front of the TV in the evening, there is always something on the table to eat.

It has all become a habit. That, together with my changing body, means that I no longer feel energetic and that I am less comfortable in my own skin.. And I am 'only' 46!

How am I going to feel good again?

To really get more energy and feel good again, I will have to watch what I put in my mouth. In combination with more exercise and good sleep, this should lead to a healthier feeling.

Enter sugar-conscious challenge

One of my great temptations is food. Although I think it's not that bad, the scale says something else. Of course my age and the early menopause also have something to do with it, but I don't feel happy about it. I see my body changing but above all I don't feel energetic. And that bothers me the most.

I really don't necessarily have to frolic through the meadow like a young foal, but I would like to just do what I always did and have more energy to keep participating with the children.

How sugar unconsciously takes over 'life'

And actually I know what the culprit is. We eat relatively healthy, but only something sweet on the sandwich, something tasty in between with coffee and giving in to my cravings in the evening, those are my seducers. A more sugar-conscious life can help me with that, I'm convinced of that, I just want it to fit into my lifestyle.

I'm not going to tackle everything at once, because then I won't last and it won't fit in well with my Burgundian lifestyle. I also don't want to have to bite the bullet, but I do think it's important that I make more conscious choices. And Céréal will help me to combine that with my family life.

Do eat 'sweet' food and a snack, but choose more consciously

If I grab something tasty, it becomes something more responsible, with less sugar in it. And that applies not only to the snack in between or in the evening, but also to what I eat during or with my lunch or breakfast. These sugar-free muffins, for example.

Do we drink coffee at the table and do the children have something delicious with it? Then I would like to participate, but with a smarter choice. For example, think of a cookie or piece of chocolate that contains less sugar. Just as tasty, but because it contains less sugar, my sugar level does not get out of balance.

And during my lunch or breakfast I also use handy alternatives from Céréal, such as the Céréal strawberry jam on a cracker. Delicious!

Choose more consciously, eat less sugar more consciously. Because of this I get less ups and downs and that will hopefully kill my cravings. With the aim of getting more energy!

Do you feel energetic, or are you joining me?

Are you comfortable in your own skin? Nice keep it up I'd say! But do you recognize yourself in my story, and do you also want to get energy and feel better about yourself? Then join me next month! Together is more fun than alone, then we can also support each other a bit.