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Removing mold in the bathroom:5 tips to tackle mold

Removing mold, a job that nobody wants and that (almost) everyone encounters. What are the best methods to remove mold?

After a long day there are 2 things that I really look forward to. Out with that bra. And enjoy the shower! There is nothing more refreshing than your own pampering moment in the bathroom. However? But recently, during my personal spa session, I made a very annoying discovery. If there's one thing I hate, it's fungi. And this time I didn't find them on a stray sandwich in the back of the lunch box. No, the blue-black fluff is growing in my bathroom! Do you also suffer from it? The bathroom is of course a damp room, and therefore ideal for mould. In this blog you can read how they arise, and more importantly:how you can remove mold in the bathroom.

Table of contents

Remove mold and prevent it from developing

Fungi love warm, moist areas. So your bathroom is actually a kind of paradise for them. To grow, fungi need 3 things.

Mold in your bathroom:this is how it arises

  • the right humidity level
  • the right temperature
  • a good breeding ground to grow up

Certain materials in your bathroom are naturally a good breeding ground for mould. For example, the joints and seams in the shower. They love to nestle in a somewhat outdated kit edge. During your shower, small water droplets form on the wall, window, ceiling, or mirror. The walls and ceiling are especially susceptible to mould. The surface of these is often somewhat rough and porous, and can only absorb a certain amount of moisture. That is why it is a good breeding ground for fungi. You shouldn't be thinking about that, are you? Because fungi are not only filthy… but they are also bad for your health!

The dangers of mold in the bathroom

It looks rather stale, mold in the bathroom. But there's another danger lurking in that mysterious substance on the ceiling, or in the corners of your bathroom. Fungi are harmful to health. In nature this can do little harm, because not all fungi are harmful and you will only find them outdoors in a low concentration. It's different in your bathroom. Especially inhaling molds is bad for you. And that's exactly what you do while you're taking a nice shower.

Not all fungi are bad for you. But the concentration in your bathroom is often so high that you really have to be careful. Fungi pose real health risks, especially for pregnant women and young children. Think, for example, of an increased risk of asthma or worsening of an allergic reaction. Colds, ear infections, eye irritations, laryngitis and sinus infections are also among the possible side effects of inhaling molds.

Mold in your bathroom is therefore not only nasty, but also dangerous. And that brings us to the next question. How to remove mold in the bathroom?

Removing mold:5 tips for a fresh bathroom

Mold therefore arises because the conditions in your bathroom are ideal for them. You can scrub until you weigh an ounce:often you can't just get rid of your fungus. However, mold can be removed in many ways. It takes a while, especially if you want to prevent the fungus from coming back. But then you'll be rid of those fungi! Below you can read tips that will make mold removal a lot easier. Do you happen to have a golden tip of your own? Then share it in a comment under this post!

1. Airing the bathroom

The first must for the prevention of mold:ventilation. By ventilating you ensure that the temperature in the bathroom does not become too high. And that the humidity remains a bit within limits. This is certainly important during, but especially after showering. But if you really want to prevent mold, you should actually leave the bathroom window open 24/7. And you probably don't feel like it in the middle of winter.

Today, many bathrooms are equipped with a ventilation system as standard. You can also choose to have it installed. This definitely contributes to the reduction of mould! Although unfortunately it is still no guarantee that you will get rid of that dirty mold.

2. Drying the bathroom

Ventilating and airing alone is therefore often not enough. Especially if the kids also like to take a shower for half an hour. It takes a lot of time, but drying the bathroom after all that shower also helps prevent mold. The less humid the bathroom is, the less chance of mold. Just pulling the tractor around can make a big difference. But if you already suffer from mold, that won't help either. Many people remove fungi with heavy cleaning agents.

3. Remove mold with cleaning products

There are of course all kinds of products available that make removing mold a lot easier. One drawback:they are often extremely chemical agents. The smell of that stuff alone! They do work, but it is better not to enter your bathroom for the first half hour. No wonder the fungi die, I think you can kill a horse with HG, for example!

4. Remove mold with home garden and kitchen remedies

Don't you trust those chemical cleaning agents either? In the sense of:aren't they also harmful to our own health? Then you can also go for home garden and kitchen remedies to remove mold. Vinegar, bleach, soda, chlorine or ammonia, for example. But beware:never use ammonia and chlorine at the same time! When chlorine and ammonia come into contact with each other, chlorine gas can be formed. Chlorine gas is very harmful to health and can even be fatal. So don't start mixing yourself to develop your own cleaning agent.

You can try the mixtures below to remove mold:

Soda with water

5 to 10 grams of soda in a bucket with 1 liter of warm water. Let the soda dissolve. Take a stiff brush and use this mixture and the stiff brush to fight the fungus.

Blane with water

Put 25 ml of bleach in a bucket with 1 liter of water. Make the mold spot completely wet with a sponge or a plant sprayer. Then let it dry well and repeat the next day if necessary.


You always have vinegar at home, right? With a mild fungus, this could possibly work to remove it. Apply some pure vinegar to the spot and let it soak for a while.


Be careful with this product, check above why!

5. Do the bathroom check on your kit

We have another very important tip for you. Removing mold makes little sense if your bathroom is so inviting for the molds that they come back in no time. It is therefore very important to continue to air and dry. But also check your bathroom for cracks and open crevices. If you already have an older bathroom, it may well be that the sealant edges need to be addressed. Over time, they become somewhat porous. And fungi love that!

Check all sealant edges carefully. Remove the old sealant and apply new silicone sealant where it is needed. It is in any case smart to apply new sealant every few years, especially in the bathroom. This is how you keep your bathroom mold-free!

Are you looking for more tips or do you want to know exactly which natural remedies you could use? Then check out the site of

Note:Never paint/sauce or wallpaper over a place where there is mold. This will close the mold and moisture and will only make it bigger. It just needs to dry!

Shutterstock photo by  nadisja of mold in bathroom

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