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Time for cocooning is important to get energy again

Do you also take the time for cocooning? So….. that took some getting used to again here in the house, after 16 days of wonderful Christmas holidays, in which much less has to be done and more is allowed. With holidays that take you completely out of structure. That you get up and don't know what day it is. And then bang boom..... suddenly the alarm goes off again. Up early again and into the action of things that are all expected of you. For me, in these dark days, I get used to stepping next to my bed. Not to mention my teenagers who really need more rest and cocooning.

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Cocooning is very sensible!

And blame them. Take a look outside. Are there leaves growing on the trees? Do you see flowers sprouting from the ground? Do you see many active animals or young animals passing by? Is the grass growing in your garden now?

We have large fish in the garden that have been idle for months now. They don't even get food. They lie comfortably on the bottom to do nothing. Sometimes I think they look at each other and after a short discussion they decide to stay put. Lazy and without incentives. Nicely charging until more active times come and they get more energy again. And they do that as soon as the days get lighter again. As soon as the temperature gets a little higher. Then there will gradually be more energy and life in the brewery.

Blowing through a year instead of cocooning

People are also a natural given, but we still think it is necessary to make a good pop all year round. While we also need cocooning. Especially after a tough Sinterklaas time with young children. A Christmas period. Celebrating an old on new. A holiday with lots of fun loitering and lounging. But now back to work. It's okay to have structure again, because that's what most people thrive on, but don't forget to recharge.

Please recharge

This post-holiday transition can take a lot of effort. Get active again and get up early. Around me I saw many tired children and adults in recent weeks. Actually, it's just time to crawl back just like my fish. With my teenagers or alone on the couch. With a blanket, some snacks and a warm cup of tea. Watching a good movie. Or relax for a moment in the warm bathtub. Just recharge.

Yet children must continue to perform

In the middle of this winter season, the Cito is taken from children and there will be a test week for adolescents. Get tested how many apples you actually grow in winter. Immediately after an impressive month and in a winter time, performance is measured, instead of leaving room for cocooning. Around our Blue Monday. The day that has been declared the most depressing day of the year for these reasons, among other things. Well I believe so. Like nature, I am not in my best period right now.

Relaxation in your body and mind

So take time for more relaxation in this time, for cocooning. As a parent and child. Just like nature. You recharge with relaxation. And you probably know that just then the coolest new ideas bubble up again. In addition, there is the danger that if we also teach children to go on and on, it will not help your whole body and brain.

Tip:Get a massage!

Take the time to relax yourself and with your family. Massage your children while you sit side by side on the couch or put them to bed. Short small foot, head or back massages help enormously in your relaxation and connection. Especially in this time of retreating together in your warm winter cabin.

Do you want to know more about these short effective relaxation exercises for your family?
Do you want more peace and relaxation in your family in the new year? Please contact me or come to our evening full of information, inspiration and valuable massage exercises that you can use together every day at home. For a calmer body and more connection with each other.

To go from a full head and tension to more peace in your body and connection with each other during this winter time. Because it is extremely valuable for yourself as a parent and your child!