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Tasty mocktail recipes and 5 tips for hangover-free days without tic

For some, it's a last resort during the holidays:a good drink. And we admit:every now and then a glass of wine can certainly help. Also during the holidays. For example, against the stress in the kitchen, or to make an evening (or say evening) dining with family somewhat bearable. But look before you start. One wine quickly becomes more, and before you know it you have had a bottle during such a wonderful evening. And if you have to spend New Year's Day with a hangover in addition to your in-laws, it becomes a real challenge. That's why 5 tips for hangover-free holidays and a few recipes to make a delicious mocktail yourself! That saves another sip on a drink!

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Holidays without hangover:5 tips

New Year's Eve without a hangover can of course best be achieved without alcohol, we don't have to tell you that. But if you still want to have a drink with alcohol, take a look at the tips below!

Lay a good foundation

The most important advice against a hangover remains a good foundation. The more there is in your stomach, the more resistant you are to the drink. Commonly known right? Especially greasy food is good to prevent a hangover because it slows down the absorption of alcohol. Fortunately, it's New Year's Eve and there's probably plenty to eat. Avoid spicy dishes:if you start having a drink, your stomach is already busy enough. If there is also a spicy snack   on top of that, it will sometimes mess up. Go for something with a lot of fiber, such as a pasta. Or that delicious oliebol.

Pay attention to the color of your drink!

Consciously choose lighter drinks † Not only lighter in the sense of less alcohol, you could probably already think of that yourself. But did you know that alcoholic drinks that are dark in color (think whiskey or red wine) contain more toxins, which cause headaches. Also the bubbles you better leave it alone. Those cozy bubbles ensure that the alcohol is absorbed into your blood faster. Result:the next day your bubble bursts and you have a much more intense hangover.

Spreading is the magic word

Choose not only what drinks you drink, but also when you do. The golden tip:spread your drinks throughout the evening as much as possible. Always allow some time (and preferably a glass of water) in between. Your body has to 'recover' from every glass of alcohol and by always waiting for a while it gets more time for that. Spread your drinks , and therefore the risk of a hangover.

Get your sleep and make sure you have a good breakfast

Turns out the day after that you apparently looked a little too deep into the glass? Then make sure you get enough sleep. Preferably uninterrupted, because waking up in between can actually make your hangover worse. A good breakfast can also do wonders the next morning. Choose consciously:bananas soothe headaches, oatmeal brings your blood sugar level back under control. Ginger, honey and peppermint can also help your body recover. And if you want to do something about those dehydration symptoms, go for some juicy fruit.

Bob you a trick in the round…

If you've kept count, you're probably wondering where that last hangover anti-hangover tip is. Unfortunately, maybe it's a bit of an open door. The best advice against a hangover is of course very simple:don't drink. Not a drop , not even in moderation. Dull? Don't feel like spending the whole New Year's Eve with a pack of apple juice? No worries, alcohol-free drinks also exist these days and are anything but boring. Have you ever had a mocktail tried?

A mocktail is an alcohol-free cocktail † We have listed a number of mocktail recipes for you. Have a good idea yourself? Let us know!

Mocktail recipes for endless happy hours

Do you not get further than children's champagne when it comes to alcohol-free drinks? Not necessary at all! You can create a delicious mocktail, an alcohol-free cocktail, in no time. We probably have a few ideas for you, but of course you can endlessly combine and try. Cheers! Put the Coca-Cola zero sugar (of course we go for as few calories as possible) but cold and warm up your muscles. Let's shake mocktails! For some extra inspiration we have the Hugo Raspberry Dream , the Strawberry Celebration, the Cherry Coketail and the Lime-Cola listed for you † But let us know if you have a nice mocktail recipe 🙂 .

Mocktail #1:Hugo Raspberry Dream

It's a wet dream, this alcohol-free mocktail. Hugo is now known to most ladies, just like the effects it can have. It goes in like lemonade, but then! With this mocktail you can continue drinking without any problems the next day and it is also low in calories.


  • 1 lemon
  • 4 ice cubes
  • 15 ml elderflower syrup
  • 150 ml Sprite zero
  • 5 fresh mint leaves
  • 5 raspberries
  • balloon glass

Squeeze half of the lemon and cut 1 slice from the other half. Fill the balloon glass with ice cubes. Pour in the syrup, 1 teaspoon lemon juice and the Sprite and stir. Finally add the lemon slice, mint leaves and raspberries. Leave for five minutes and your liquid treat is ready.

Mocktail #2:Strawberry Celebrations

Are you a fruity type? The next mocktail, the strawberry celebration, is actually a fruity party in a glass.


  • 4 ice cubes
  • 3 orange wedges
  • 2 lemon slices
  • 2 slices of lime
  • 20 ml fruit syrup (strawberry &raspberry)
  • 50 ml cranberry juice
  • 125 ml sparkling water
  • 6 fresh mint leaves
  • wine glass

Fill the wine glass with the ice cubes. Then add the fruit. After the orange segments and lemon and lime slices, add the rest of the ingredients. Stir well and your mocktail is ready!

Mocktail #3: Cherry Coketail

With the third mocktail that we have found for you, the cherry coketail, you prevent your hangover completely and it becomes very tempting to drink Coca-Cola all evening. If that's your plan, go for Coca-Cola zero sugar, enjoy the same taste but without sugar and calories.


  • 15 ml cherry syrup
  • 10 ml vanilla extract
  • A splash of lime juice
  • Coca-Cola
  • Long drink glass
  • ice cubes

Place the cherry syrup and vanilla extract in a glass. Then add the lemon juice. Be careful, because some limes are very sour and this is a sweet mocktail. Not only alcohol but also the lime juice in moderation. Finally, add the Coca-Cola. Go for the zero variant if you don't want to worry about sugars and calories. You can of course 'finish' this delicious cherry mocktail with a beautiful cherry on the glass!

Mocktail #4: Lime Cola

The simplest mocktail of this bunch is made simply by adding some lime to the Coca-Cola. The result is a fresh mocktail for lovers of a sour touch. Want to make it a little more exciting? Then you add another mint leaf!


  • juice of 1/2 lime
  • Coca-Cola zero sugar
  • 1/2 lime slice as garnish

Mocktail #5:The alcohol-free Caipirinha


  • 1 lime
  • Brown cane sugar
  • Non-alcoholic white wine
  • Ice cubes or crushed ice
Cut a lime into eighths and place four to six pieces with 2 to 3 teaspoons of brown cane sugar in a glass. Press with a pestle to squeeze the juice from the lime. Add  crushed ice or ice cubes and top up with Light Live non-alcoholic white wine…. Also nice if you don't want to be on your head from the alcohol on a hot summer day!

Mocktail #6 POM Princess

And how about a refreshing mocktail with pure pomegranate juice as a base?

May we introduce you:the POM Princess.


  • 90ml POM Wonderful 100% Pomegranate Juice
  • 90ml lemonade
  • 45ml sparkling water
  • Decoration: Lemon slice and mint leaves

Fill a highball glass halfway with ice cubes. Pour 90ml of lemonade into the glass. Slowly add the POM Wonderful pomegranate juice. Add the sparkling water. Stir with a stirring rod and garnish with lemon and/or mint.

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