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Anti flu tips from grandmother for the whole family

It sounds so innocent:you have the flu. In my opinion, the flu is also the only disease that is regularly referred to by the diminutive. As a kind of nickname. What that nasty flu did to deserve it is a mystery to me. The flu can mean a real battle of attrition. Especially since everyone in the family is lit one by one. Another one down . And no matter how sick you are as a mom, you still have to take care of it. Are you also in the rag basket? Then you can use our anti-flu tips!

Table of Contents

Flu:how do you get rid of it?

We have bad news for you right away:there is no medicine against the flu itself. Yet another reason why the term "flu" is not appropriate in my opinion. Flu is persistent! Especially because the virus has many variants. Fortunately, at least we can't get bird flu, but there are still enough versions that do like to 'nest' in us people. That's why even the flu shot doesn't always help; The flu has progressed to the point where it is always just one step ahead of our medicines. Once you have your shot, a new variant will come along.

Fortunately, there is also a small bright spot on the horizon… you can really tackle the symptoms of the flu. Just as hard as the flu hits you. We have listed some anti-flu tips for you to tackle your 'flu' on all fronts. Or at least those miserable symptoms.

Anti flu tips:the fight against symptoms

The very first of our anti-flu tips always applies when you are sick. You probably sprinkle it regularly when husband or kids are sick. Just like you used to hear continuously from your own mother:“Drink well!” Especially if you have diarrhea or fever and therefore lose a lot of fluids, it is important to hydrate your body. But by drinking a lot of water, waste products are also removed from your body. It's a simple, but golden tip:just drink water. Go for flavored water if your motto is normally “water is for fish”. Or if you just want a taste of course. Because water is healthy and makes you healthy!

Read also: water with a taste, just enjoy

The rest of the anti-flu tips are perhaps less obvious, and still come from grandmother's medicine cabinet. Do you have a good tip of your own? Then do everyone a favor and share it below!

  1. Elderberries
  2. Homemade anti-cough drink
  3. Onion for breathing
  4. Homemade gargles

1. Grandmother versus the flu:elderberries

Grandmothers often know wonderful remedies for ailments that some of us run straight to the pharmacy for. A good example of these anti-flu tips are elderberries. Elderberries strengthen the immune system and are therefore good for your resistance. And you can use some extra resistance in your fight against the flu! No elderberry tree in the garden? Don't worry, you can just buy it in vitamin form these days. We have already tested the variant for kids, and they were delicious too. Vitamins, for example, did not exist in grandmother's time.

Read also: Sambucol Elderberries Bears, vitamin for children

2. One cough is not the other

Anyone who has ever had a cold (i.e. everyone) knows it. One cough is not the other. There is a tickly cough, a stuck cough, a raw cough and so on. Coughing is just as versatile as the flu itself. Fortunately, there is cough medicine. But for every cough, there is another drink. So explain to the drugstore or pharmacy what kind of cough you have. Then they give the animal a name, and you get the right drink. If you want to relieve your cough a bit, you can also brew something yourself according to grandma's recipe. Simply stir two tablespoons of honey and two tablespoons of sunflower oil together, taking a teaspoon every now and then.

3. Breathe freely:one step closer to a flu-free body

Grandmother not only liked onions in the soup… It has also become one of the anti-flu tips! Put a cut onion on your bedside table, and your stuffy nose and airways will open up again. It may not smell that good, but you won't smell it at first. Do you smell it? Then grandmother has proved her right again!

4. Get rid of that killing sore throat

Also a common flu symptom:terrible sore throat. According to grandmother's anti-flu tips, you can combat it in many ways. Gargle with some salt water, for example. Not very tasty, but you have to pay for it. Gargling with red wine also seems to help, but you'll have to test that yourself. Honey and ice also help. Go for water ice, because milk products will get your mucus production going. And you probably won't be short of mucus during your flu period anyway!

So, the necessary tips have been reviewed, use them wisely, because being sick as a mother is not possible at all. Read the story of Jolinda and her children.

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