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27 tips for a super sexy summer figure

27 tips for a super sexy summer figure

Want to get in shape quickly before going on holiday? This is no problem with these tips and tricks. Let the sun come!

1. Move more every day
You don't necessarily have to challenge yourself with a thirty-day challenge. But it is good to do exercises daily and gradually increase the frequency. For example, start with squats. With this you not only train your thighs and hamstrings, you also get a tighter buttocks. Personal trainer Koen Bakker:'Start with 45 squats and spread them over the day:ten in the morning, fifteen in the afternoon and twenty in the evening. Increase the number of squats every day.' How do you do the perfect squat? Read the rest of tip 1 in Santé.

2. Drink enough
If you drink enough, you will snack and snack less. This is because our brain sometimes confuses hunger with thirst. And did you know that a moisture deficiency of one percent quickly costs you ten percent of your energy? Prevent an energy dip – which often leads to mindless snacking – and keep your fluid level up. It is recommended to drink at least seven large glasses of water daily. Drink a glass of water twenty minutes before and after every meal. Read also:Drinking enough water:this is how you do it

Read the rest of the article in the July Santé. Scroll to page 14.