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Workout tips for couples and other enthusiasts

Are you a fanatic athlete and your closest buddy too? Then you will find the best workout tips below to get through Valentine's Day together. Or every other day of course, whatever you want! Make sure you warm up well before you start these workout tips and don't forget the cool down 😉 .

Table of contents

The best workout tips for couples

Anyway, whether you perform these tips for a workout with your loved one, or rather with someone else… you have to know that for yourself, of course. Have fun!

1. The Couple Squat

A sultry look is worth 1,000 words. With this workout tip, stand facing each other in an upright position, with your legs hip-width apart. Place your hands in your lover's and look each other in the eye. That alone is a beautiful moment, isn't it? Then both slump through the hips and hold each other tightly. Squat for 10 seconds, then slowly come up. If you manage to do these workout tips a number of times without getting into each other's hair, then your relationship will be fine.

After doing this exercise 15 times, you will feel the burn in your legs. Keep looking at each other for that extra bit of motivation to keep it going.

2. The Compliment Shelf

Giving compliments provides just that little bit of extra love during the workout. And to make this even more challenging, we combine giving compliments with plank exercises. You may have trouble getting the compliments out of your throat a bit later in the exercises, but hey, in this case it's the planking, not the relationship you have with your sweetheart!

Lie on the floor opposite each other. Lean on your elbows and toes and look each other in the eye. Then stay in plank position for at least 10 seconds and give your partner as many compliments as possible. Then plop down on the ground and reverse the roles. Make it a competition and try to compliment each other as much as possible in the time that you can keep the planking full.

Number 2 of the workout tips can also be performed with anyone else, it is as platonic as it can be.

Are you not a sports fan? Then you can of course just craft for Valentine's Day or try out some other fun free Valentine's Day ideas!

3. Kiss me baby, one more time!

If the love between you and your partner has cooled down a bit, these are the optimal workout tips to perform.

One of you will lie with his back on the floor. The other hangs above the partner and grabs his or her hands tightly. It is important to adopt a stable posture, so as not to put too much strain on your back. Then you pull your partner, who is on the floor, towards you. Once upstairs, you give each other a well-deserved kiss. Repeat this exercise at least 10 times to optimally train your arm muscles. Then you reverse the roles. See who can give the most kisses?!

4. Sparks will fly with these workout tips

Did you know that a larger amount of endorphins (the substance that gives you a good feeling during sports) is released when you do a workout together? Endorphins ensure that you can feel the jitters during exercise that you also feel during a crush.

Not quite sure of your love? I personally wouldn't go to the gym together. Joost may know which tight girl is wallowing in her endorphins there and turns your partners head on.

Burn calories without exercising? That can also be fun for Valentine's Day!

5. The Muscle Hunk

This workout is for the really experienced sports couples among us. One of you is standing upright, with both feet firmly on the ground. The other then wraps his or her legs around the partner's waist (what does this remind me of again?).

For some extra support, your partner grabs your legs that are around his body. Then you slowly lower yourself back and lean completely on your partner. Tighten your abs and slowly come back up. Repeat this exercise at least 10 times. To make it even more exciting, you can choose to give your partner a kiss every time you are upstairs.

Workout tips for a toned body or a huge laugh kick?

Personally, I think these workout tips can cause enormous hilarity in our bedroom, so in my opinion they guarantee a lot of fun. And nothing is more important to your relationship than that. Even though that may not have been the premise of the David Lloyd press release I got with this information 😉 .

Which of these workout tips will you introduce to your partner?