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A balance day in between is healthy, and every now and then also very tasty!

Everyone can use it every now and then, the balance day. I have decided to regularly take a balance day in between. I do this, for example, if I have eaten too much for one or two days in a row. Or if I've had a bad night out with friends.

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A balance day, especially for being comfortable in my own skin

In such a case, a balance day is not only useful to bring my kilos back into balance, but also to just feel a bit more comfortable in my own skin. You probably recognize it. An evening out for dinner, or an extensive dinner that you have prepared for your friends. Do two in a row and you will immediately notice from your stomach that you have eaten too much.

Not that you immediately have problems with your intestines, no, but a bloated stomach. I notice that right away. Not only do I feel it, but I see it too! At least… if I haven't been biting around at those dinners. And I assure you… I am a Burgundian. Biting on a stick doesn't make me happy! Then I prefer to have a nice balance day after those two days (as is also now), so that my body feels a bit healthier again.

Balance day with juices?

Now you can completely fill your balance day with juices, but you don't have to. Unless you really like it, then I can definitely recommend it. I often did a course of juices, even a complete detoxification course of 5 days 😉 .

Read also: A detox cure, what have I started?

But if you feel very faint from drinking juices all day and would like to chew on something, then you can easily shape your balance day with other products.

In fact, if you normally eat normally and you don't really need to go on a diet, but really just want to balance for a day in between, then you don't necessarily have to do that with juices. I'll show you what my balance day roughly looks like when I do one.

What does my balance day look like?

I have at least 3 meals a day, and I try to think of snacks, but that doesn't always work 😉 .

Full cottage cheese for breakfast

My breakfast looks just like any other day. That's nice, isn't it. I don't have to deviate from my normal eating habits for this, and I'm quite happy about that, because I just love my breakfast!

What do you need?

  • Full cottage cheese
  • Frozen raspberries
  • Possibly a little stevia to sweeten

Simply mix and eat, or for example through the blender for a healthy smoothie.

Tip:Add some extra oatmeal if you want to take your meal a little longer. Your hunger pangs remain absent all morning!

Healthy pancakes for lunch

On a balance day I certainly don't have bread. I normally try to pay attention to eating bread but on a day like this bread is not a good idea for me (and probably for you too). If anything gives you a bloated stomach, it is bread.

So I make pancakes. In a sigh and a fart you can make 8 smaller healthy pancakes that you can use for the afternoon. The recipe for this can be found here.

Read also: the tastiest healthy pancake recipe I can think of

If I already have raspberries in the morning, I don't use them as a topping on my pancakes in the afternoon. But you don't have to do that for the sweet either… the cinnamon does the trick!

Dinner with a semi-warm touch

A balance day for me is complete with a salad in the evening. In general, I prefer to make a light salad with some warm quinoa for the filling. Enough to get through the evening and end my balance day on a nice note.

What do you need for this:

  • mixed lettuce
  • pepper/onion
  • quinoa
  • mushrooms
  • piece of chicken or salmon

Of course you can do a lot more through the salad, and basically everything you do through the salad is healthy for you. I don't usually use dressing but make sure to marinate the chicken or salmon a bit with something. Its taste is sufficient for the whole salad. I do cook the mushrooms in advance. This way, the salad is warmed up by the warm additions and it's just like dinner!

Just take stock

Raw bell peppers are on the menu as a snack for a balance day, or a radish for example. If I am really hungry (which is possible, if you have eaten a lot the day before you will often be hungry again sooner), I will put down a plate with cucumber.

It always strikes me that at the end of a balance day I feel more comfortable in my own skin than the day before. I feel nicer, cleaner and often more rested. The latter can also be linked because I often link a mask moment to it 😉 .

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