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Top 5 Bad Health Advice In The Past Decade

Top 5 Bad Health Advice In The Past Decade

The new year is almost upon us, which also means we are entering a new decade. A lot of health claims have been made in the past ten years. But these aren't all true… Read the top 5 worst health tips here.

Juice cure

Cleaning your body through juices was all the rage. It is claimed that this way you will get all the toxins out of your body and it will be better for your health and well-being. But did you know that we have a built-in detox center in our body? Your intestinal tract, your sweat glands and your urinary tract work all day long to get all those substances out of your body. So you actually have a detox cure in your body for the rest of your life.

In addition, juices are less healthy than pieces of fruit. If you drink a juice, the fruit sugars can be better absorbed into your body.

Read also: 'false truths about your resistance'

No more vaccinations

This started in 1998 when Andrew Wakefield presented a fraudulent investigation. He claimed that vaccines against measles, rubella and mumps led to the development of autism. The entire study turned out to be completely false and was later retracted. Yet this fire persisted among celebrities, among others, and the so-called anti-vaccination movement was born. In the early 2000s, more and more parents decided to stop vaccinating, arguing the fraudulent research and the conviction of the celebrities.

In the past ten years, not vaccinating was still a thing. There are families who have a special vaccine schedule drawn up when it has been proven that vaccination is just so important. An outbreak of a disease that requires vaccination can lead to worldwide contamination.

Only drink bottled water

Drinking from bottled water has not started this decade, but has increased significantly. For example, there are companies that sell bottled water that supposedly contain extra vitamins, oxygen and extracts for more energy. Of course, this is just a marketing ploy. Drinking from bottled water is only bad for the environment. In addition, there is no evidence that water from the tap is unhealthy.

Internal eggs

Eggs that you can carry in your vagina are said to provide more strength and serenity. It was also claimed that it would contribute to bladder control, better hormone balance and regular menstruation. But actually this acts as a source of infection. Many vaginal infections surfaced in people carrying these eggs. However, there is a positive point to the egg. When you insert it, your pelvic floor muscles have to tighten, so that your pelvic floor is trained.


After the cigarette came the E-cigarette. This would be healthier than a regular cigarette. Many people thought that this swab was designed for a healthy alternative. Unfortunately, none of this is true at all. The nicotine in the electronic cigarette is usually higher in doses than in the traditional one.

It was a cause for concern when a study came out in 2019 that showed that e-cigarettes could cause lung failure. This is probably due to the evaporative oil products.