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No good news yet after new press conference

No good news yet after new press conference

On Tuesday evening, March 23, another press conference was held, in which Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Minister Hugo de Jonge discussed the current and future corona measures on television. And unfortunately they couldn't share any good news yet…

No relaxation of measures

Unfortunately, many people are still getting infected with the coronavirus. People are also still being hospitalized with corona. That is why Rutte and de Jonge announced that the current measures will be maintained, at least until Tuesday 20 April. The evening clack will also continue to apply for the time being. However, it will take effect from Wednesday 31 March from 10 p.m. instead of from 9 p.m., since it now stays light longer in the evening. The curfew will be in effect from 10 p.m. to 4.30 a.m. from then on.

Travel advice

The travel advice also still remains negative, even now that the May holiday is starting to come into view. Travel is not allowed until 15 May. Traveling abroad is only allowed if necessary.


Self-tests may be introduced for education, so that teachers and students can test themselves. That way they could go to school more safely. These self-tests will soon also be tested for events in a trial, where anyone with a negative result will be allowed to attend the event.


We have now started vaccinating and it is expected that all adults who wish to do so will be vaccinated by July.