Family Best Time >> Health

A very happy (and-fast-back-in-shape) new year

A very happy (and-fast-back-in-shape) new year

For the past six weeks, women from all over the Netherlands have participated in my online lifestyle program Fitness Bible for Women-Live.

Since the holidays fell in between, I advised you to enjoy the snacks prepared with love, because that is also part of a healthy and happy life.

For the coming weeks I have tips to quickly get back on the right healthy path. Do the same and you will lose the excess pounds and waste in no time!

1. Discard all unhealthy junk that you have left over from the holidays. So clean up your kitchen cupboards and go do 'healthy' groceries immediately.

2. Drink no alcohol † Can you keep this up for one month? That saves more than 3000 Kcal if you drink an average of ten glasses a week! That's as much as five intensive workouts per month!

3. Enter the 90/10 rule . for one month out (instead of the 80/20 rule) and you're going fast. Not dieting, and still lose pounds quickly. 10 stands for; you can snack/drink during part of the week.

4. Logical but true; train extra! Explosivity and interval workouts like GRIT, RPM, and Bodyattack are great for getting back into shape quickly and burn a lot of calories.

5. Be careful with sugars , including fruit juices. Many people drink smoothies to compensate. That's fine too, but a maximum of one glass a day is really sufficient, and of course not from a pack.

6. Don't skip meals. REALLY DON'T! Also don't go fasting or any other craziness that makes you hungry. This disrupts your metabolism and therefore also your combustion. Eat regularly , be economical with carbohydrates, keep simplicity and overview. Lots of vegetables, fruit, whole grain products, fish, meat (substitutes), no sauces, packets and sachets and I guarantee your result!

The results
In two weeks I will come back with the results that the participants of FBVV-LIVE have achieved, exciting!

My old columns
Read here all the columns and information from the past few weeks about nutrition, training and relaxation for extra motivation and a good start to the new year.

Regards, Marije
Fitness Bible for Women