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Bridget Maasland about the transition:'I no longer recognized my own body'

Bridget Maasland about the transition: I no longer recognized my own body

Presenter Maasland is already suffering from the first symptoms of the transition. “I suddenly got a different body.”

In the magazine Grazia she tells that she is in the pre-menopausal stage and that she notices that this is a taboo topic:"It's not sexy, because in nature you just get written off."

Read also: "What every woman should know about menopause (before going through it)"

The best is yet to come!

Bridget suddenly noticed that her body was different. “Then bells started ringing. But the biggest impact was spiritual. I couldn't get certain things in my head anymore, so that everything starts eating at you."

Yet she herself is not so negative about the transition. “Women have not created their greatest masterpieces until after the menopause. I think that's a nice thought. The best is yet to come .”

Positive side transition

Sandra van Leeuwen, Santé's expert on the transition, is also positive:"The idea that you no longer count during the transition, that you cannot make a career switch or start a study, is really nonsense. We women currently live an average of 84 years. So you are 'only' halfway through your life. Take stock and start the second part of your life with positive energy!”