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Fuss about the electronic patient file

Fuss about the electronic patient file

The board of the Association of Practicing General Practitioners is suing the organization behind the epd. How about that?

Renewed version
Since January 1, the new version of the electronic patient file, the National Switch Point, has come into effect. It currently contains about 400 patient records. It is intended that the number of electronic patient records will increase rapidly. Everyone who visits the GP is asked whether he or she wants to make the file available for the EPD.

What does it mean?
The EPD consists of computers linked together. Healthcare providers can use this to view the patient files of those who are included in the EPD. This can be useful for the patient, because all healthcare information is contained in one file.

Not all general practitioners agree that a patient's healthcare data is recorded in the EPD. The organization behind it does not fulfill their agreements properly and the data of patients is not protected well enough. The file violates professional secrecy. In addition, GPs are afraid that patients will be forced to give consent under soft coercion.

On Tuesday evening, a vote will be taken on whether or not to use the EPD.

Are you for or against the electronic patient record?