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Uncertainty about the costs of hospital treatment

Uncertainty about the costs of hospital treatment

Have you ever been unclear about how much hospital treatment costs? You're not the only one. A random sample shows that half of the hospitals do not immediately know how much a treatment costs.

Information about rates not always readily available
The television program Kassa conducted research in collaboration with They asked 67 hospitals about the costs of a glaucoma measurement at the ophthalmologist.10 percent of the hospitals were able to pass on the rate during the first telephone call, 38 percent called or emailed back later.

Ask the health insurer
20 percent of the hospitals referred to the health insurer. This is striking, because health insurers cannot answer that question, because many contracts for this year have not yet been completed.

Comparison pays
And that while comparing prices pays off. The rates for a glaucoma measurement are very different; from €16.01 to €219. It's not clear whether the rates are for people with or without insurance. Minister Schippers indicates that it is important for consumers to gain insight into the costs of a treatment. From 1 November there will be a new rule that obliges health insurers to provide information about the costs in advance.

Curious about the broadcast of Kassa? You can watch the episode online.