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How dirty is it to dip chips in the sauce one more time?

How dirty is it to dip chips in the sauce one more time?

You probably do it sometimes:dip your chips in the sauce again after you've already taken a bite... How dirty is that anyway?

Before dipping

During the study, three dip combinations were tested:chips with cheese, chips with salsa, and fruit with chocolate. The dips did not contain any bacteria at the start of the study.

Read also: 'Annemiek's recipe:sweet chili sauce'

After dipping

Then a group of people started dipping. They did double-dipping:after taking a bite, they dipped again. The number of bacteria was measured again. 1,000 bacteria were found in the salsa. Against 200 in the cheese and 158 in the chocolate. Better news:after two hours the number of bacteria, especially in the salsa, had decreased considerably.

Something to think about…