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Bad night's sleep? With these 9 tips you will sleep a lot better

Bad night s sleep? With these 9 tips you will sleep a lot better

Some people make ten-hour nights without any problem. Others mainly lie awake for hours. Yet everyone knows that good sleep is important.

But what if you can't sleep? We have nine tips for you.

Your bed is for sleeping

It sounds logical, but if you also use your bed to watch TV for hours or to do your homework in the relax mode, your brain is getting the wrong signal. If you close your eyes at night, your body doesn't seem to know how to sleep.

Another cup of coffee?

Drinking a lot of coffee is not good if you suffer from insomnia. Coffee contains a substance that mainly keeps you awake. Instead of those last cups of coffee or glasses of cola, drink a few glasses of water.

No wine-bedtime

Alcohol before going to sleep is also less good. Although a glass of alcohol is sometimes called a nightcap, this still has the wrong effect. You may fall asleep quickly, but your sleep is shorter and more restless.

Hot shower

Sleeping with cold feet is impossible. Do you suffer from cold feet and can't fall asleep? Take a nice warm shower. If you feel comfortable, you will fall asleep.


Meditating, mindfulness or doing what you enjoy, when you relax, you notice that you sleep faster and better. How you relax is not important. If it just relaxes you. Not thinking about anything, a few yoga exercises, it just depends on what works best for you.

A little help

If the above relaxation exercises do not work, you can always try CBD oil. This oil can help you find a natural peace.


Getting a breath of fresh air before going to bed can also be effective. Take a breath of fresh air and then go to bed. A short walk can be enough.

Another pillow

Sometimes you have to make short work of the stuff you have. Isn't that pillow really comfortable? Buy another. Be advised before you buy another pillow that is not comfortable.

Reduce your screen-time

Not staring at a screen for the last hour before going to sleep can sometimes help you sleep better. So go, turn off that phone, black the tablet and leave your TV alone. Grab a book!

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