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This is how your lungs work

This is how your lungs work

We are happy to take you along some of our organs. This time we look at the lungs. Breathe in, breathe out!

Last week you already read about the intestinal system. Good to know , However? And now we zoom in on our lungs. Those two beauties protected by your rib cage.

Also read:'Reducing hot flashes with your breathing'

4 parts

Our entire respiratory system consists of 4 parts:the mouth, the nose, the windpipe and the lungs. Our windpipe connects to our lungs through branches called bronchi. And all the air we breathe in goes through the trachea, through the bronchi, into the lungs. The bronchi branch so often that eventually the entire lung is well filled with fresh air.

This is what your lungs do

Every 4 seconds your lungs give your body new oxygen. This way your body continues to function properly and all other organs – if all are well – remain healthy. And every 4 seconds.. that's 20,000 times a day and 8 million times a year! Lungs are also vulnerable organs. Therefore, they are covered with layers of mucous membrane. When we inhale harmful things, they largely stick to that mucous membrane. Do you ever cough up phlegm? That's dirt that your lungs repel and clear out. Swallowing this is not a problem, by the way, it does not return to your lungs, but leaves your body through the faeces.

You know

That really pissed me off! A well-known expression when something surprised, insulted or angered you. But almost everyone has also had the feeling that a piece of food physically went 'down the wrong way'. What you feel is the disappearance of the piece towards one of the two larger bronchi at the bottom of your windpipe. You know, those bronchi that then branch even further to fill your lungs with air.

Next week:all about our kidneys.