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This is how you keep your heart in top condition

This is how you keep your heart in top condition

You must be thrifty with your heart. You only have one and it is vital. But how do you keep your heart in top condition?

Just a few facts

  • No fewer than 1448 women under the age of 55 were admitted to hospital in 2017 for a heart attack.
  • 13,520 women under the age of 55 were hospitalized in 2017 due to cardiovascular disease.
  • 54 women under the age of 55 died in 2017 from a heart attack.

(source:Heart Foundation)

Read also: ‘Cardiovascular disease in women‘

Tips to keep your heart in top condition

  • Make sure to have a BMI between 19.5 and 25
  • Eat a maximum of 6 g of salt per day
  • Exercise enough, at least 2.5 hours a week
  • Be moderate with saturated fat
  • Eat enough fiber (35-40 g per day)
  • Don't sit still too often
  • Quit smoking (if you do)
  • Keep an eye on your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar
  • Take time to relax
  • Get enough sleep

Menu for a healthy heart

  • 250 g vegetables per day
  • 2 servings of fruit per day
  • 4-5 slices of wholemeal bread with diet low-fat margarine per day
  • 25 g unsalted nuts per day
  • Once a week fatty fish (herring, salmon, mackerel, trout, sardines)
  • 1 tbsp oil or liquid margarine per day
  • 500 ml dairy per day (yogurt/cottage cheese, milk, buttermilk) and
  • 40 g cheese/cottage cheese
  • A maximum of 500 g of meat per week (of which a maximum of two red meats)
  • 2-3 eggs per week as a meat replacement
  • A minimum of 100-150 g of legumes per week (brown or white beans, lentils, chickpeas) as a meat replacement

(Source:Esther Grauss, dietician and lifestyle coach of BES Dieticians and Dietstijlpraktijk Esther)

Source:Santé June 2019, text:Fleur Baxmeier