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Are you grumpy when you are hungry?

Are you grumpy when you are hungry?

One minute you're happy, the next you can't hold back and you're rejecting your partner because you really have to eat now. In English there is a nice term for it:hangry, a combination between the words hungry and angry.

What happens in your body when you are hungry?
If you don't get enough nutrients, your blood sugar drops, as does the production of the happy hormone serotonin.

Why do you behave differently when you are hungry?
When little serotonin is produced, communication between different parts of the brain is less smooth. As a result, you are less able to control your emotions, research shows. Low blood sugar has even been linked to more aggressive behavior. In some people this effect is stronger than in others, which means that some people have less control over themselves and their emotions when they are hungry.

Don't just eat sugar
Feel hangry? So your bad mood is really caused by being hungry. However, don't reach for the food first that you get your hands on. Sugar gives your blood sugar level a short boost, but then also lowers it quickly. Rather eat vegetables, fruit and proteins for a stable blood sugar level.

Source:Fitsugar/Foodnetwork | Image:Shutterstock