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Q&A:Can you stay fit with 10,000 steps a day?

Q&A:Can you stay fit with 10,000 steps a day?

Walking is totally hip in these times. And not only that:it is healthy too. But is it absolutely necessary to take 10,000 steps to stay fit? We asked sports scientist Thea Kooiman.

Kooiman obtained his doctorate for his research into the health effects of activity trackers.

Thea Kooiman:“Activity trackers, which allow you to track your activity online, have been popular for a number of years, but the simple pedometer has been around for much longer. In the 1960s, the standard of ten thousand steps, about four to seven kilometers, was devised by a Japanese company. There was no scientific evidence yet. In order to stay fit, according to the Exercise Guidelines of the Health Council, you should exercise for about 150 minutes per week and not sit still too much. If you take eight thousand steps every day, three thousand of which are intensive, you meet these guidelines. The average person takes between five and six thousand steps a day. We call the people below that sedentary:they sit too much and move too little. This group is growing, partly due to a modern society in which many people sit behind the computer.”

Read also: "Do you take 10,000 steps without knowing it?"

Muscle and fat mass

“People who move little are more likely to have back or neck complaints. In the long term, it has greater consequences:your blood sugar level goes up and you build up more fat mass. Ultimately, this puts you at a higher risk of developing diabetes or cardiovascular disease. If you take ten thousand steps every day, you will develop a better ratio between your muscle and fat mass. In addition, exercise improves blood circulation in the brain. This will increase your creativity and productivity. Ten thousand steps a day will keep you fit, but eight thousand steps will also take you a long way. Provided you go through three thousand well. Moderate-intensity exercise is very important, because your heart rate increases and your fitness improves. This is of course also possible by cycling, for example.”

This is how you do it

“First measure how many steps you are taking now and then see what small adjustments you can make to build up to eight or ten thousand steps. It is not the case that you can compensate a day of sitting still with an hour of fitness. It is best to get moving every hour. Think of a walk to the printer or coffee machine. A good time to exercise more is the lunch break. With a twenty minute walk you are quickly two thousand steps further. Do you go to work by bus? Get off one stop earlier and walk the last part. If you go by car, you can park it a little further from the destination. And always take the stairs instead of the elevator.”


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