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How many calories do you eat more when you are sleep deprived

How many calories do you eat more when you are sleep deprived

Sleep deprivation not only affects your constitution and functioning, but also your weight! It turns out that you get a lot more calories if you don't get enough sleep…

Research, published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, shows that you eat no less than 385 calories more the day after you don't sleep enough.

Read also: 'These are they:the occupations with the most sleep deprivation'

Eat more, exercise less

For example, it turned out that the participants in the study ate more fatty foods and less protein if they had a bad night. They also had less need to exercise to burn those extra calories. And that leads to weight gain. If you sleep less than 7 to 9 hours every day and eat 385 extra calories a day, you will gain no less than half a kilo after 9 days!


According to the researchers, a lack of sleep creates that extra feeling of hunger because it affects your hormones, especially the hormones leptin and ghrelin, which are responsible for your appetite. Furthermore, too little sleep makes you reach for something to eat more quickly to reward yourself. Here are 6 tips to sleep better.