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Treating an ingrown toenail:this is how you do it

Treating an ingrown toenail:this is how you do it

It starts with mild irritation at the edge of your toenail, but once your toenail has really grown in, it's extremely painful. With these tips you will get rid of it as quickly as possible.

In an early stage

When you feel that your toenail is starting to grow in, you are sometimes in time to do something about it yourself. Slide a small piece of cotton wool under the edge of your toenail so that it no longer pricks the edge. Don't be tempted to fiddle with your nail with nail scissors.

Read also: 'Preventing an ingrown toenail'

In case of irritation and slight inflammation

You can soak your feet in a soda bath against the inflammation. Gently massage the skin down on the edge of your nail.

Increasingly burdensome

With an increasingly worse ingrown toenail, it is wise to go to a pedicure. He knows exactly how to treat an ingrown toenail.

In case of continuous pain

If your toe is persistently sore and very inflamed, see a doctor. Sometimes it is necessary to have part of the nail removed during an operation.

Wear good shoes

Tight shoes can make your ingrown toenail worse. Therefore, wear shoes with enough room at your toes.