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Your house will be dust mites free in no time!

Your house will be dust mites free in no time!

One of the most common allergies is dust mites. Most people suffer from it more in the fall than in the rest of the year. An allergy to dust mites is very annoying. With these tips you can make your house dust mites free!

House dust mites

Dust mites are a very small and arachnid organisms. These organisms feed themselves through human and animal dander. The ideal environment for the mite is a room with an average temperature between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius with a moisture content of 80%. The mite prefers to establish itself on textiles. You will find it on your pillow, in your bedding, in your mattress and on the carpet.

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The living room

  • Dust mites like to be in textiles, so also in floor coverings and carpets. Avoid this warm surface under your feet and replace the carpet or floor covering for a smooth surface.
  • Paint your walls instead of wallpapering. Many mites also find it interesting to settle in wallpaper. Have you found a nice print for behind the couch that you don't want to deviate from? Then choose a vinyl wallpaper.
  • Purchase furniture with a smooth surface. This surface is also much easier to clean than furniture with a textile cover. When you clean it, choose a damp cloth instead of the feather duster.

The bedroom

  • Provide a lot of fresh air in your bedroom. The bedroom should not be warmer than 18 degrees Celsius and the moisture content should be below 60%. Do you have a humidifier in your room? Take it out right away!
  • Go for a new mattress and purchase a mattress made of synthetic materials. You can make your bed even more dust mite-free by choosing an anti-allergic cover and a molton that can be washed at 60 degrees.
  • Wash your bedding and pillow at least four times a year at 40 degrees. First read on the label whether your bedding is suitable for this. Otherwise, hang your bedding in the garden or out the window to let it air out.
  • Wash your bed linen at least at 60 degrees every week.
  • Put your laundry basket in another room.
  • Make sure you have a closed wardrobe.