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7 tips to drink more water

7 tips to drink more water

For many it is difficult to get the recommended two liters of water a day. Still, it's important to stay hydrated. For your health, but also for radiant skin. With these 7 tips you will succeed in drinking more water!

1. Include water in your daily routine

Try to associate drinking a glass of water with an activity in your daily routine. For example, by drinking a glass just before taking a shower or after lunch and dinner when you have just finished your food.

Read also: ‘Can you boil previously boiled water again?’

2. Keep a water bottle handy

If you keep a bottle of water handy you will notice that you reach for the bottle faster. You can take a bottle of water with you wherever you go. Try to drink while shopping or on the way in the car/public transport. Are you at work? Then make sure you have the water bottle in sight. Are you looking at the water bottle? Then have a sip!

3. Add slices of fruit or vegetables

Do you find it boring to drink water all the time? Then add a slice of lemon, cucumber, ginger or orange to your water for some taste.

4. Put drinking water on your to-do list

Draw drops of water on your to-do list. If you have drunk a glass of water, color a drop. That way you don't forget and you also work with a stripe system.

5. Eat vegetables or fruit that contain a lot of water.

Vegetables such as cucumber, iceberg lettuce and tomatoes naturally contain a lot of water. In the summer you can opt for a large piece of watermelon. An easy way to get extra moisture.

6. Make a water mix drink

Add some coconut water to some sparkling water. This is how you create your own soft drink without too much sugar. Try to keep the ratio half and half.

7. Fill a thermos bottle before you leave the house

In the winter months it can be cold if you have to get out the door early. How nice is it when you can warm your hands on a thermo bottle. Before you leave the house, fill the thermo flask with tea. Sip on the go!